Stop it OP. Cube has been advocating for members of either side to meet with him to discuss his plan for America to make a binding contract with Black America since before the Summer it up
Replace OP with this.
Even if you think Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler, having someone willing to extend their hand and steer him into making policies that benefit black people is a good thing. It's clear that all of the whining and s***-flinging does absolutely nothing to help anyone.
If you think it's possible to make a politician change their stance on policies by meeting and talking with people, I don't know what to say.
The plan he rolled out, if he actually goes through with it (big if there) has a lot of interesting things. Huge investment (500 billion) in black communities and businesses, KKK labeled a terrorist organization, Juneteenth a federal holiday, more prison reform. I think it would be detrimental to any cause to not meet with the people who can make changes.
Trump may not care about black people, but he wants black votes. If he is willing to do things to get black votes that will benefit black people, then that is a win. Because black votes going away from democrats will result in democrats doing even more to win back those black votes.
Refusing to even be interested in getting help from Republicans means democrats can do the bare minimum (which they have historically done) and continue getting black votes.
Seems like he’s just reaching out to the president and trying to get things done instead of complaining ab the fact that he’s the president
Sounds familiar 🏌🏿
Some people are a detriment to black people and don’t even know it and I’m not saying that about Cube
If you think it's possible to make a politician change their stance on policies by meeting and talking with people, I don't know what to say.
Kanye helped shape prison reform (which actually passed and has been implemented prior to election year) and steered Trump away from stop and frisk. Trump campaigned on stop and frisk, and changed his mind on it after meeting with Kanye. There’s actually a video of Kanye discussing it with Trump, and Trump has since stopped pushing for it.
So what exactly is this Platinum Plan
S*** sounds like a credit card for people with terrible credit,sounds like a scheme if it’s real.
Today is indeed a good day
Its crazy I said Ice Cube in the thread for people who are secretly MAGA and he did this s***