They need to make a live feed hologram for exactly these purposes. So he could still perform there while being here.
What do u look like in real life
Doesnt he have felonies?
Its gonna be really hard for him he better get on the philanthropist wave asap
He's never served prison time, only in juvenile detention and was once arrested
Brah y’all wild as f*** on here
Man y’all are a bunch of far leftist with no respect for authority or law and y’all calling me wild?
They ban niggas for telling the truth? Yikes
You white, why you saying the n word?
You white, why you saying the n word?
I’m black, just because I have common sense you assume that I’m white. That’s racist!
Man y’all are a bunch of far leftist with no respect for authority or law and y’all calling me wild?
Alright b gonna make u sleep in a cage give away your kids to random ass families how's that for fair
I’m black, just because I have common sense you assume that I’m white. That’s racist!
You blackfishing?
Alright b gonna make u sleep in a cage give away your kids to random ass families how's that for fair
You’ll never get me to sleep in a cage cause I’m not a law breaker. Many of those so-called families aren’t even family btw. Sounds like you want open borders....fuck that.
I’m black, just because I have common sense you assume that I’m white. That’s racist!
imagine being this white I wonder what state you from
You’ll never get me to sleep in a cage cause I’m not a law breaker. Many of those so-called families aren’t even family btw. Sounds like you want open borders....fuck that.
Don't make me post the image old man
You’ll never get me to sleep in a cage cause I’m not a law breaker. Many of those so-called families aren’t even family btw. Sounds like you want open borders....fuck that.
imagine being this white I wonder what state you from
He’s probably from Indiana
imagine being this white I wonder what state you from
So because I don’t want open borders I’m white