This is why its not even worth tweeting if youre somewhat known. The tweet itself coulda been kept to himself but he made it worse by not even typing it correctly and needed to put out a follow up tweet. Kinda cringe to me
the building is the new word trade center
This is the same type of s*** op was trying to do. Paint something as something it’s not. She didn’t know pitchforks office was in the world trade centre
This is the same type of s*** op was trying to do. Paint something as something it’s not. She didn’t know pitchforks office was in the world trade centre
WTC or not, you shouldn’t wish this
Anyway, it’s not that serious.
Lmaooooo is this real???
the building is the new word trade center
And it should collapse already
I'll never forget back in the day we was at Rocky house cuz Kingdom Hearts 2 just came out, and we were all just talkin s*** about which Disney princesses we always had crushes on, I was all like "Belle my boo cuz she seems like she'd hold me down no matter what" Rocky was like "Jasmine, cuz she'd luv me regardless of being poor ya dig" and that nigga Bari said "Sleeping Beauty, cuz i can do what i want to her and she'd never even know"
op asked for “questionable” not “cancellable”
stay in school ma dude and learn how to spell cancellable
Hey man relax I’m not talking directly to you