  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Making money doesn’t make you evil. Making more money than 99.99% of the world doesn’t make you evil.

    Other people being poor while you aren’t doesn’t make you evil. Doesn’t even make you a bad person.

    The worst people I know got no money lol. It’s all just anecdotal bullshit. Blanket statements about rich people are odee corny

    you’re right, it’s about HOW you make the money

    and billionaires cannot make that type of money without committing something that nearly all of us consider morally evil

  • Jul 19, 2023

    there are thousands of billionaires and i don’t know all of them personally i can’t list them all but making generalizations about somebody based on their money is an unhealthy way to live especially if it’s negative


  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    hot take i will not explain any further:


  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply
    kenni nixon

    hot take i will not explain any further:



  • Jul 19, 2023

    I don't aspire to be part of their circle or society or whatever I just hate jealous people more than I hate billionaires

    While pretending there is no reasoning behind their action or the fact how a lot of these enormously wealthy rich people are literally that enormously rich due to literal explotation, law avoidance & lobbying. Outside of just being "dumb".

    I dont think all wealthy people are evil. I do well for myself living in two states throughout the year too even some with health issues since birth from a ghetto. I have an aunt uncle that are millionaire rich off of a constriction company in the mid west.

    But i also can look outside my own situation & see the overall picture or norm, plus a pattern.

  • Jul 19, 2023


    very valid response tbh, i'm oversimplifying a stance I have while looking over the exploitation of the working class

  • Jul 19, 2023

    I don't aspire to be part of their circle or society or whatever I just hate jealous people more than I hate billionaires

    thinking people who are opposed to billionaires are jealous

  • Jul 19, 2023

    this thread has no new arguments outside of the absolute cretins who think making money in our system is no more simple than:

    your own work -> your own money

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    you’re right, it’s about HOW you make the money

    and billionaires cannot make that type of money without committing something that nearly all of us consider morally evil

    But it’s like, out of sight out of mind for them you feel me?

    People act like billionaires are down in the shops whipping people, spitting on poors, idk wth they think their day to day is

    They just running businesses and that’s how businesses are run. Are the conditions in Amazon factories ass? Idk I never worked there. Could be. But it’s not like bezos going to each factory weekly and making sure people getting their 8 hours of sleep and s***.

    We done stripped too much accountability from society and place too much blame on a handful of billionaires at this point.

  • Jul 19, 2023

    Rich people are evil

    Unless they share some with me

  • Jul 19, 2023

    a lot of billionaires can fit a corporate power monger archetype that nerd guy in OP is describing but a lot of them don't, wealth is not transferred in such a binary way that he thinks.

  • Jul 19, 2023
    2 replies

    But it’s like, out of sight out of mind for them you feel me?

    People act like billionaires are down in the shops whipping people, spitting on poors, idk wth they think their day to day is

    They just running businesses and that’s how businesses are run. Are the conditions in Amazon factories ass? Idk I never worked there. Could be. But it’s not like bezos going to each factory weekly and making sure people getting their 8 hours of sleep and s***.

    We done stripped too much accountability from society and place too much blame on a handful of billionaires at this point.

    they know they put the people making them money in harsh, exploitative, dangerous, negligent, unsustainable conditions

    they know they have the power to change the conditions they profit from to create a more equitable, peaceful, prosperous world, even if it may be at the cost of financial power

    they ignore it, continue to worsen conditions, and sometimes violently stamp out attempts by workers to better their conditions

    how can you STILL somehow try and think that they’re somehow less responsible than the people on the floor who are on the floor, barely scraping by while also having to enforce the commands of the powerful

    you can’t blame society without first and foremost blaming those with the most power and the most influence in society

  • Jul 19, 2023

    All I know is rich people are terrible

  • Jul 19, 2023
    2 replies

    they know they put the people making them money in harsh, exploitative, dangerous, negligent, unsustainable conditions

    they know they have the power to change the conditions they profit from to create a more equitable, peaceful, prosperous world, even if it may be at the cost of financial power

    they ignore it, continue to worsen conditions, and sometimes violently stamp out attempts by workers to better their conditions

    how can you STILL somehow try and think that they’re somehow less responsible than the people on the floor who are on the floor, barely scraping by while also having to enforce the commands of the powerful

    you can’t blame society without first and foremost blaming those with the most power and the most influence in society

    Can they really change it tho? Like maybe they could solve world hunger for like a week if they gave up their wealth but things will just go back to how they were before eventually

  • Jul 19, 2023

    Gonna get rich and someone gonna tell me I changed

  • I dont know about billionaires but gingers with neck beards are definitely ehvul

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    Can they really change it tho? Like maybe they could solve world hunger for like a week if they gave up their wealth but things will just go back to how they were before eventually

    billionaires are the primary influence in politics today, before the military, the public, or nearly anyone else

    they could use

    political lobbying
    executive decisions within their companies
    mechanical restructuring within their companies
    philanthropy, private ventures

    they will obviously not do any of these things, since its in their self interest to retain financial and economic power over their workers (it is also logically in the self interest of collective labor to usurp the power their owners have over the product of their labor)

    thus, the natural recourse is for collective labor to take direct action against the powers that be. This can be achieved violently, nonviolently, etc

  • Jul 19, 2023
    2 replies

    sorry I'm a millionaire not a billionaire, if we put your money on a spectrum compared to mine you're still a filthy broke jealous b****

    just goes to show money can't buy class

  • Jul 19, 2023

    Powerball up to a billion. 6 numbers away from being a trash human being

  • Jul 19, 2023

    Can they really change it tho? Like maybe they could solve world hunger for like a week if they gave up their wealth but things will just go back to how they were before eventually

    also regarding world hunger:

    we overproduce food for the world right now... we could feed the entire world an american calorie count nearly 1.5 times over, yet we throw away 119 BILLION POUNDS of food every year in the US alone

    guess why? because if we distributed extra food, prices would drop, and that would be detrimental to the system that the rich owners of agricultural and distribution companies make money from.

    so we have 5 million people starving to death every year worldwide because of the conscious decision to limit food distribution for the sake of money.

    not because of famine, inefficiency, political leverage, incompetence, or conflict

    because it hurts pockets

  • Jul 19, 2023
    2 replies
    kenni nixon

    just goes to show money can't buy class

    I've been around the world I'm not impressed

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    billionaires are the primary influence in politics today, before the military, the public, or nearly anyone else

    they could use

    political lobbying
    executive decisions within their companies
    mechanical restructuring within their companies
    philanthropy, private ventures

    they will obviously not do any of these things, since its in their self interest to retain financial and economic power over their workers (it is also logically in the self interest of collective labor to usurp the power their owners have over the product of their labor)

    thus, the natural recourse is for collective labor to take direct action against the powers that be. This can be achieved violently, nonviolently, etc

    But wouldn't we just end up right back into this system eventually?

  • Jul 19, 2023
    1 reply

    they know they put the people making them money in harsh, exploitative, dangerous, negligent, unsustainable conditions

    they know they have the power to change the conditions they profit from to create a more equitable, peaceful, prosperous world, even if it may be at the cost of financial power

    they ignore it, continue to worsen conditions, and sometimes violently stamp out attempts by workers to better their conditions

    how can you STILL somehow try and think that they’re somehow less responsible than the people on the floor who are on the floor, barely scraping by while also having to enforce the commands of the powerful

    you can’t blame society without first and foremost blaming those with the most power and the most influence in society

    But so you really think it’s bezos doing that? You really think it’s solely on him?

    Nothing to do the various people in positions of power below him? Cus he’s just at the top of an extremely long chain of command

    There are factory managers that are much worse people than bezos. They’re the ones that directly impact workplace culture daily

    I feel like you gotta go through so many people until you can start blaming the guy who is just on a yacht living life, letting other people run the company for the most part

    Billionaires just an easy target cus there’s a face and name to them

  • Jul 19, 2023

    I've been around the world I'm not impressed

    Are you one of the rich passport bros that impregnate women overseas and dip

  • Jul 19, 2023

    But wouldn't we just end up right back into this system eventually?

    systems change every day though. efforts towards reconstruction, restructuring, and revitalizing have effects every day

    we saw the system of capitalism change over the past 8 decades as wealth concentrated, politics became corrupted, and power in the public diminished immensely
