acid rap the most overrated mixtape oat
Wouldn't have changed. A lotta niggas just hated Chance as a person so they was waiting for the moment he slipped up to jump on him
Gon come clean, Chance is hella corny, but if he would have dropped Good Ass Job instead he'd still be here. Look at Big Sean, bro corny and drop mid albums for large part of his career but he's still here (when he not in dad mode)
Y'all really trying to slander Acid Rap, because of one album we didn't like.
Go sitcho asses down
You guys who are slandering Chance right now and Acid Rap just never liked him in the first place
Ye just stopped giving a s*** about it when he announced Yandhi and put his focus on that so wouldn't have happened.
Acid Rap and Coloring Book were good.
It only feels like he fell off because The Big Day was Basura so it feels like he fell off plus he’s not in the cool rap clique circle so he’s not on every song/feature.
A lot of posts in here prove Chance was never really loved like that in the first place
I also think a lot of the music on Acid Rap that is so beloved is just as corny as the s*** on TBD, and not much ab Chance really changed
Y'all really trying to slander Acid Rap, because of one album we didn't like.
Go sitcho asses down
Big Day wasn’t any worse than Coloring Cook
Yall dont make me f*** around and write a 2000 word OP effort thread abt how Acid Rap slander is the most despicable revisionist history this side of David Irving
You guys who are slandering Chance right now and Acid Rap just never liked him in the first place
That’s right (and we were right), his voice is annoying and most his music pretty bad. Not all tho
Wouldn't have changed. A lotta niggas just hated Chance as a person so they was waiting for the moment he slipped up to jump on him
Well, he shouldn't have slipped up then
Big Day wasn’t any worse than Coloring Cook
Yes it was, Coloring Book actually had a lot of great songs on the album and had consistent themes and production all the way through. Not as good as Acid Rap, but still great. The only reason why niggas hate it, because it was Chance experimenting first time with Gospel
Big Day was a f***ing mess and clearly Chance had no focus on this project.
Ye just stopped giving a s*** about it when he announced Yandhi and put his focus on that so wouldn't have happened.
That's the point of the thread, I'm saying if did happen. Lol