Op trying to fish for a controversial thread.
I just thought it was a funny bar from Game and that most would agree
So The Game just admit he wants to be in a relationship with Isaiah Rashad or am I missing something
So The Game just admit he wants to be in a relationship with Isaiah Rashad or am I missing something
You missing something lol
So The Game just admit he wants to be in a relationship with Isaiah Rashad or am I missing something
yes he’s in love with him
You missing something lol
So Isaiah is gay and gay means happy. The Game is happy so he's gay. He could use any other gay person but mentions Isaiah. I'm just guessing but that sounds like he wants him
It’s annoying and s***ty he’d name drop Isaiah rashad like he wasn’t traumatically outed on the internet
He supported Isaiah coming out
but that’s the thing Isaiah didn’t come out on his own terms in the slightest
Is he just saying he's not happy since Isaiah isn't gay?
True, I didn't actually think of it like that. I thought of it as Game was saying Isaiah is gay/Game's happy not other way