His career would be extinct by now! Gucci is prime example that appearance matters and that the industry prefers looks over talent to some extent
Everyone got on the Gucci train because he bounced back looking 10 years younger and ripped af!
His music is trash compared to when he was fat and yet he got more recognition, features, and new fans now then he ever did when he was fat.
His career would be extinct by now! Gucci is prime example that appearance matters and that the industry prefers looks over talent to some extent
Everyone got on the Gucci train because he bounced back looking 10 years younger and ripped af!
His music is trash compared to when he was fat and yet he got more recognition, features, and new fans now then he ever did when he was fat.
I don't think it's just because people think he looks sexy lol
despite what you may think the majority of hip hop fans, especially Gucci fans, could give a f*** how fat he is, he didnt need to be skinny when he started and doesnt need to be now, but im happy he's made healthy lifestyle choices
It was already proven before that when rappers go to prison they come out more popping than anything, Nothing to do with looks so
Lizzo Mane
People love fat gucci more than current gucci so shut up c**
I am reporting you :(
despite what you may think the majority of hip hop fans, especially Gucci fans, could give a f*** how fat he is, he didnt need to be skinny when he started and doesnt need to be now, but im happy he's made healthy lifestyle choices
Yeah keep telling yourself that pal
Gucci is a prime example of mind over matter man
Thats my motherfuxkin GOAT