  • Let's look at this album for album, picture a concert scenario:

    Round 1:


    All Falls Down
    Jesus Walks
    Through The Wire


    Find Your Love

    Round 2:


    Touch The Sky


    UGK/Crew Love/Take Care (idk any one of these lmfao he still get slapped)

    Round 3:


    Can't Tell Me Nothing
    Good Life
    Homecoming ?
    Flashing Lights ?


    Started From The Bottom
    Hold On, We're Going Home
    Worst Behaviour
    The Language ?
    Tuscan Leather ?

    Round 4:


    Love Lockdown
    Paranoid/Street Lights ?


    Know Yourself
    10 Bands

    Round 5:




    One Dance
    Pop Style
    Hotline Bling

    Round 6:


    N*ggas In Paris
    No Church In The Wild


    Big Rings
    Diamonds Dancing

    Round 7:


    New God Flow
    Don't Like


    Free Smoke
    Fake Love

    Round 8:


    Black Skinhead
    New Slaves
    Blood On The Leaves
    Bound 2


    Gods Plan
    Nice For What
    In My Feelings
    I'm Upset

    Round 9:


    PT. 2




  • Mar 27, 2020
    1 reply

    album for album yeah, going diss track for diss track though I'm pretty sure Drake would have us being ashamed to be Ye stans.

  • Mar 27, 2020
    6 replies

    you really wrote all that lmao

  • Mar 27, 2020

    you really wrote all that lmao

  • Mar 27, 2020

    album for album yeah, going diss track for diss track though I'm pretty sure Drake would have us being ashamed to be Ye stans.

  • Mar 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Kanye the better artist but Drake can out rap kanye anyday

  • Mar 27, 2020

    you really wrote all that lmao

  • Mar 27, 2020
    1 reply

  • Mar 27, 2020

    why yall do this s***

  • Mar 27, 2020

    love drake love kanye

  • Mar 27, 2020

    If we're comparing discogs Drake has absolutely no chance

  • Mar 27, 2020

    Drake's ghostwriters > Kanye's ghostwriters

  • Mar 27, 2020

    Just shut up already holy f***

  • Mar 27, 2020

  • Mar 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Kanye's discography dwarf's drake. Drake would kill kanye in a diss battle though, literal goldmine of material to make a diss on.

  • Mar 27, 2020

    stop these threads bruh, 2 legends from our time let them be

  • Mar 27, 2020

    Not sure what OP is on about. But yes Kanye's discography is immensely better than Drake's. Drake is dope though

  • Mar 27, 2020

    Father had to stretch his hands out and get it from me

  • Mar 27, 2020
    1 reply

    its bait yall. Dont fall for it please.

  • Mar 27, 2020

    its bait yall. Dont fall for it please.

    People who do bait threads are my sons

  • Mar 27, 2020

    I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Drake and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Drake will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Drake and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • Mar 27, 2020

    I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Drake and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Drake will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Drake and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • Mar 27, 2020

    I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Drake and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Drake will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Drake and f*** you all. I'm done.

  • Mar 27, 2020

    Yet again, it was another late, sleepless night in Atlanta. The studio was packed, yet intimate all at the same time. Warm amber lights washed over exotic leather furniture, creating a dimly lit sonic oasis. A sweet aroma of weed smoke clouded the air, while vanilla scented candles were strategically placed around the room. The mood developed into a haze of relaxation. As engineers and producers methodically worked the mixing boards, Future and the rest of his entourage nodded along to a rough take of a track that would later be called "Diamonds Dancing." Many individuals in the studio danced along while producers ran the track back, but there stood Drake in a dark corner, dissecting every piece of "Diamonds Dancing" with surgical precision. The track stopped playing, and Drake stepped from the shadows. He didn't speak much, but when he did, people listened.

    "I'm going back in the booth, play that outro back."

    Puzzled, the engineer began playing the outro instrumental back, not questioning Drake's demands. The room fell quiet as people began to observe. As the outro began to play, Drake put on a pair of monitor headphones, rubbed his beard and began to take a drink of a dark, murky substance. Closing his eyes, Drake began to flow freely.

    "You doin' me dirty, you know. How we let it get like this I don't know. But that nigga can't save your soul, nah." Producers and entourage members in the studio began to look around the room to see if others were witnessing what was happening. Drake continued crooning into the microphone, while the mood became even darker in the studio.

    "Doing me dirty, you doing me dirty. Haven't even heard from you. How can you live with yourself? Haven't even heard from you. How can you live with yourself? Ungrateful, ungrateful." The Engineer looked over to Future with concern. The engineer whispered, "should we stop him?" Future then put up one finger, as to silence the engineer while shaking his head, not taking his eyes off of Drake.

    "Your momma be ashamed of you. I haven't even heard from you, not a single word from you, Ungrateful. I'm too good for you, too good for you. You should go back to him, perfect match for you, unstable." Candles in the studio began to flicker and die out, one by one, as if a spirit swept throughout the room.

    "Doing me dirty. You're making me nervous. I haven't even heard from you. You look drained, you look exhausted, girl them late nights ain't good for you. Really starting to show on you. Don't hit me up when it's good for you. Ungrateful." By now, everyone had stopped what they were doing, all attention was focused on the darkened silhouette in the recording booth. Finishing up his final thoughts, Drake hung up the headphones, took another sip of muddy water, and crept out of the recording booth.

    As he came back into the studio, all eyes followed his every movement. Drake retreated back to his shadowed corner, where he leaned against the wall with his fingers interlocked and pressed against his lips, as if in deep thought. The silence of the room created an uneasy tension. The uneasiness built more and more, as studio members waited for him to speak. Finally, he broke the silence.

    "Play it back."

  • Mar 27, 2020

    I f***ing hate all of you a******s. I come on here every day and try to talk about Drake and the new album and good Fridays and all I get are f***ing copypastas and memes that aren't even funny to a 4 year old with autism. I am a moderator and could ban you all at the click of a button but I feel sorry for all of you and don't want to ruin your life by banning you from the one thing you have going for you. I hope you enjoy your s***posting because I'm actually doing something with my life. I f*** 3 different b****es a night and make $125,000 dollars a year while you all sit at make 125000 posts a year on a forum dedicated to another man. I know you all sit home and jerk off to daisy ridley and wish you could be successful at something. but guess what, s*** for brains, you're all pathetic. you are better at speculating what kind of underwear Drake will wear tomorrow than on how to get your f***ing lives together. I can't believe I wasted 2 years of my life on this s***hole with all of you. I think I literally contracted autism and lowered my IQ to dangerous levels by even being associated with all of you for this long. I can barely even take a s*** without saying doot doot to myself. I went into a store right before closing time last night and said "inb4 ban" to the manager, that's how much you all f***ed me up. f*** this forum, f*** Drake and f*** you all. I'm done.