I still think about dis how tf you gone give a dude material to rap about against you like honestly if a mf got money to find info on me for a diss track
he coming up short he about to rap about shii against me instead give him fake info now know one knows wat your lying about
Its stupid and if you do something like that you better have the receipts ready the moment kendrick drops mtg.
Op is right that that would be an instant knockout.
Like you telling me you play chess and plant false narrative for some fake moles to leak to kdot and you dont keep a single piece of evidence for that then you just as stupid now cause now drake got the rumor spreading about his daughter and its a 50/50 for people to believe in it or nah cause neither got any proof
Its stupid and if you do something like that you better have the receipts ready the moment kendrick drops mtg.
Op is right that that would be an instant knockout.
Like you telling me you play chess and plant false narrative for some fake moles to leak to kdot and you dont keep a single piece of evidence for that then you just as stupid now cause now drake got the rumor spreading about his daughter and its a 50/50 for people to believe in it or nah cause neither got any proof
I said it that night that if Drake posted receipts on his Instagram story that night it would have been a knockout and juiced Family Matters up. But he didn't.
Kendrick dropped Not Like Us and that kind of made Meet the Grahams old news
I said it that night that if Drake posted receipts on his Instagram story that night it would have been a knockout and juiced Family Matters up. But he didn't.
Kendrick dropped Not Like Us and that kind of made Meet the Grahams old news
Yeah and you know the mole is real cause the one that actually knew what was gonna happen in family matters was kendrick and he had his response ready instantly and even warned him not to drop it in 6:16 literally on the same day. Even on euphoria he hinted at knowing whats gonna come in family matters
Also why would you want someone to rap about you being a deadbeat ( + groomer/ pdf file ) infront of the whole world. It’s just a weird move if true
nigga did all that and still lost
Kendrick had his responses ready while drake is clearly 2 steps behind. Heart pt 6 is so rushed
Also why would you want someone to rap about you being a deadbeat ( + groomer/ pdf file ) infront of the whole world. It’s just a weird move if true
Because it’s a easy narrative after Adonis
Kdot literally fell for the easiest trap 😂
Kendrick had his responses ready while drake is clearly 2 steps behind. Heart pt 6 is so rushed
I think Drake expected Kendrick to take 3 weeks with every song and that's where he lost
Kendrick hit a game winning 3 and Drake fans tryna show us the last 2 minute report and show Kendrick traveled
kendrick would be smart enough to actually post the evidence if he did
He was going to before Drake’s people stepped in…again.
Told drake’s team to keep it rap or things would start getting posted on the internet…again
Because whenever Drake is losing, his people gotta step in…again
Oh extra footnote:
Akademiks was reading texts of a woman that won 300k in a SA case against the boy before suddenly going off stream.
An hour into stream (so start at 1:00:00) bro start going down and then after 3 mins the stream goes private.
That’s because drake isn’t a better rapper than Kendrick
This is abt the raps u put in and not facts at the end of the day
Also why would you want someone to rap about you being a deadbeat ( + groomer/ pdf file ) infront of the whole world. It’s just a weird move if true
No it's a boss move and a power move. You would get it if you were in the streets and in the club.
the only thing drake stans claimed was fed was the maybach gloves, shirt and ozempic. claiming the daughter stuff was fed is huge cope (it's actually just internet gossip stuff too)
It's not believable that drake fed fake info is the problem. He needs evidence for that or it just sounds like he was inspired by the viral fan theories
and kendrick doesn't need any evidence, am I right?
probably yeah, but if you think about what drake is proposing for longer than like 2 mins, you can see its bullshit and he was scrambling for any defense
No it's a boss move and a power move. You would get it if you were in the streets and in the club.
Drake can surely proof the fake mole if it’s true
Seen this said a million times, never seen a response yet
probably yeah, but if you think about what drake is proposing for longer than like 2 mins, you can see its bullshit and he was scrambling for any defense
Legit this fake info narrative is dumb
Guy woulda been celebrating how dumb he made Kendrick look and release a track attacking instead of sounding helpless and defeated
Plus the daughter thing isn't something new...there's been articles about it
Kendrick amplified it just like he amplified the pedo s***. U are trying to destroy the man's character just like drake trying to do the same with the DV allegations. Neither one provided proof
If that's true, why right after he said he fed the nigga fake info that whoever was leaking info was a bozo
listen to the song again but really listen this time, then you'll be able to place the bars correctly. hopefully
Legit this fake info narrative is dumb
Guy woulda been celebrating how dumb he made Kendrick look and release a track attacking instead of sounding helpless and defeated
Plus the daughter thing isn't something new...there's been articles about it
Kendrick amplified it just like he amplified the pedo s***. U are trying to destroy the man's character just like drake trying to do the same with the DV allegations. Neither one provided proof
Push would’ve found this
I think Drake expected Kendrick to take 3 weeks with every song and that's where he lost
Kendrick hit a game winning 3 and Drake fans tryna show us the last 2 minute report and show Kendrick traveled
Lmfao that’s entirely too accurate
If drake really leaked that as fake info for a diss track that will be out there forever, he's a ret@rd and so would Kendrick be if he'd leaked false info he beat his girl. Such dumbass logic , how could it ever be a W to have people think something like that whether it's true or not.
It’s just common sense lmfao. If I gave someone fake information and IT WORKED, the very first thing I’m doing is posting pics or vids of us cheffin that up to post and laugh at you
Not saying “😂😂😂😂😂😂 nahhhh who said I got a daughter”