Vraylar is good trust me. No weird side effects for me
I've never taken antipsychotics before but I know about them because of college classes I took on psychiatry.
That stuff is pretty scary regardless of the brand name. All have relatively similar profiles.
I still feel overheated from her not fixing are air conditioner and she had me the money to fix it but she wants me to get hurt basically and like I’m about to pass out from the meds making me tired af . I’ll give the meds a couple weeks to see if that side affect f***s off
I've never taken antipsychotics before but I know about them because of college classes I took on psychiatry.
That stuff is pretty scary regardless of the brand name. All have relatively similar profiles.
Yea man when she had me on Em for a couple months I woke up a few times gasping for air like my breathing was blocked .
Last year and even before that and she talked me into getting the injection and I was crying for a month and told them go back on the pills . When I stopped taking them I was fine again
If I bring that up now she’ll say I’m gunna make you homeless or get me in the crazy hospital and get me on unneeded meds
Yea man when she had me on Em for a couple months I woke up a few times gasping for air like my breathing was blocked .
Tell your psychiatrist ASAP bro. That's dangerous.
I still feel overheated from her not fixing are air conditioner and she had me the money to fix it but she wants me to get hurt basically and like I’m about to pass out from the meds making me tired af . I’ll give the meds a couple weeks to see if that side affect f***s off
Hey bro try this, take a towel and get it soaking wet and then leave it in the freezer for a little bit. Then you can take it out and hang it out over your head or whatever to cool down
Yea man when she had me on Em for a couple months I woke up a few times gasping for air like my breathing was blocked .
Make sure your doc knows this bro, sounds like you need your dosage or medication adjusted. Hoping the best for U brother
Yea man when she had me on Em for a couple months I woke up a few times gasping for air like my breathing was blocked .
Some sedatives cause panic attacks at too high of a dose, chances u actually die or need to go to the hospital are very low, just gotta focus on breathing slow and not overreacting
I’m give it a couple weeks. I think she’s trying to look out for me.
To the prick who said the genetic thing . Hope I blow a load to YOUR mom
I’m give it a couple weeks. I think she’s trying to look out for me.
To the prick who said the genetic thing . Hope I blow a load to YOUR mom
Parents failing to give medication according the prescription label is a CPS call
Parents ignoring the side effects of medication and forcing their child to continue taking it while neglecting to contact the doctor about it is also a CPS call
In general I don't think it's the police you call directly (better way to say it is I've never been instructed to go to cops,only CPS, and CPS is what mandatory reporters go to not cops in general) , but you can get in contact with your states CPS/equivalent to seek advice or a plan of action or even just a report.
Makes me tired and wanting to kill my self
Yeah that sounds like olanzipine. Also hungry? S*** made me go from underweight to medically obese in under a year
Size medium shirt baggy to half X Larges being tight. 30/30 to 36/30
People are clowning OP but not realizing that antipsychotic medications have horrible side effects.
@op Please be careful and if you need to make sure you tell your psychiatrist or whoever prescribed you this stuff that you are feeling bad. They can help you out.
Yeah I been on so many, specifically due to the side effects from each. It's always a picking of the lesser evils with them
Olanzipine made me fat, latuda made me manic, risperidone made me suicidal, Seroquel gave me completely different results comparing 4ish different dosages
Olanzipine can be linked to diabetes - id recommend watching weight and s*** on all of them but this one even f***ed up stuff in my blood levels. Lot of people also aren't aware we don't actually know why anti-psychs "work" - they just kind of do, but with wildly different side effects from person to person as the general mechanism of action is still a mysterious (to a point and depends on each one)
I’m give it a couple weeks. I think she’s trying to look out for me.
To the prick who said the genetic thing . Hope I blow a load to YOUR mom
She’s definitely trying to look out for you bro, she’s your mom and I’m sure she loves you
Hope you’re doing better
I’m give it a couple weeks. I think she’s trying to look out for me.
To the prick who said the genetic thing . Hope I blow a load to YOUR mom
She is trying to look out for you but going on antipsychotics should not be this rough and jumping to olanzipine sounds wrong unless you've been on the main ones like Seroquel and risperidone first (which should be cheaper anyways?). You mentioned the shot so I assume this is serious, especially with the fact you're at the olanzipine level.
Are you upping the dose periodically? You should be instructed to start low then up the dose over time, or your doc can adjust to do that now. What dose are you on now? Taking one at night, during the day, throughout the day, or what? Taking these during the day/morning can be hell at first
Are you on other medications as well? There is possibility of other medications causing severe side effects while taken together as well.