Melodist zoomer pop rap, disqualified
Memorably bad
Rating: Jason Tatum Olympic output
Bfb is a personality with a sense of humor who gets written off as a meme. Underrated.
Babyface E is the regional flavor who got picked up by a major. Safe and reliable but not the most electric.
H1mward is a fashionista executive producer which I don't mind. El Cousteau is doing similar stuff with more energy.
2/3 get cosigns
Recorded this in his car between shifts.
Over reliant on punchins
Indistinct writing
Double time crutch
Text wall flow
Rating: Volume shooter
text wall flow
Bfb is a personality with a sense of humor who gets written off as a meme. Underrated.
Babyface E is the regional flavor who got picked up by a major. Safe and reliable but not the most electric.
H1mward is a fashionista executive producer which I don't mind. El Cousteau is doing similar stuff with more energy.
2/3 get cosigns
What does any of that have to do with actual rapping
What does any of that have to do with actual rapping
What does a sense of humor, your personality, your ear for beats, and your delivery have to do with rapping
A lot actually
Step 1 Be on KTT for years
Step 2 Be named Bhostmane
Step 3 Never make a memorable thread or post
Speaking of memorable posts do you still shower with ya daddy?
Speaking of memorable posts do you still shower with ya daddy?
I've got to write you guys some new material
Following the footsteps
Of a rag doll dance
We are entranced
Listen buddy you are speaking to Cure Colosseum not Sioux Stadium!
! Shhhnow without an engineer
I've got to write you guys some new material
You could try but im gonna stick with the Dad shower one, its too good truly
Recorded this in his car between shifts.
straight from his crib, but he can rap
Meaghan Garvey Best New Music core
Meaghan Garvey Best New Music core
Who the f*** is meghan garvey and do you not know this classic