What did you expect from a bunch of kids fresh outta high school. You could ask a similar question to kids in college and you'd probably get the same answers. Doesn't mean we're doomed.
What did you expect from a bunch of kids fresh outta high school. You could ask a similar question to kids in college and you'd probably get the same answers. Doesn't mean we're doomed.
we are doomed cos world go bye bye mate
The days of hot wars are done. Too many countries have nukes to where it’s not successful for anyone.
The major players now focus on proxy wars with smaller countries, cyber warfare and election interference.
The next war won't have or need soldiers
If we ever got into a war, it definitely wouldn't hinge on an infantry full of TikTok users
The fact that we even have time to make cringy tiktoks shows how powerful we are. The average servicemember isn’t even worried about a war.