You would call him an a****** for cheating on his wife, when there’s a double standard here. This wasn’t August’s place to put out this, the only reason he doing this is for clout no ones gonna be talking about him before the end of the year. They got back togehter(it happened like 4-5 years ago) and now he brining this up just for clout like goddamn it you make Will look like a clown I’m sure they aren’t the first couple to be together, have a break, one partner messes around with another, than get back to being a couple and he putting out dirty laundry just to make them look bad.
I think both cheated on each other in that break period. it would be delusional to believe they took a break and neither of them cheated,both probably did
First of all who really cares about this and two it’s been an open secret that both have been doing these things for a while
First of all who really cares about this and two it’s been an open secret that both have been doing these things for a while