Ready to take the charge like you on a fast break and I’m tired of guarding you close
As far as Starker, if you like weird s*** I’d say Secrets and Sacred, if you want something less weird definitely Greenest Block or Bootleg Collection. KNG JHSPHTS is kind of in the middle. I think Rap Money with ??? is underrated but in addition to being a hidden character he’s also a divisive one so that will depend on you.
My favorite YL projects are Born Again and The Hills Have Eyes, personally. The most different-sounding ones are the Soda Club albums, check those out if you like trappier production.
I’d definitely check out Utica and Cloyd as far as Zoomo.
RRR: The Album for all three guys, obviously, and LO.FACE, Smoke and Lo.Ceasar 2 are all pretty essential Starker/YL full-length collabs.
Thanks - I appreciate it! Will definitely check them all out.
Thanks - I appreciate it! Will definitely check them all out.
SECRETS and SACRED are f***ing amazing
Harvard boys 👨🏽🎓
From Gz to Gents
Oh, you thought Zoomo wasn’t part of the press run? Scroll down
Starker Sportslane shirt is up now
Hip-hop photographer 1000WORD$ interviewed Starker and YL for his Substack. You get an exclusive track from each if you subscribe.
p4k giving spiridon sme coverage
but they call thrvd "The Ravada"
How do I get RRR on vinyl?
Nowhere yet. I’m sure someone wants to put it out, though. Hopefully just not Near Mint or Circle of Patron or anyone goofy.
This ain’t a dart, this a spear
Whoever diss on this will sure disappear
This ain’t a scripture for the living in fear
I feel as though I’m not living and my existence was before I was here
This for my little man for when I’m not there
Nowhere yet. I’m sure someone wants to put it out, though. Hopefully just not Near Mint or Circle of Patron or anyone goofy.
Completely forgot i asked this but i also asked Zoomo and he said "Vinyl coming soon 🤝"
No word on where tho.
Need that and Summit Shootout when it drops