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  • I work in a deli/resturant department with multiple kiosks. Basically you got to keep your head on a swivel or else you'll miss a customer. It's pretty annoying, but the most alarming thing to me is the amount of women that assume I'm checking them out. I wouldnt have made a thread on this if it was rare but this shyt happens DAILY. Deadass 40-50yo women thinking I'm perving when I'm just trying to see if theyre going to get a sandwich. S*** can also get very uncomfortable when people show up with their daughters and assume that your on some pedophile/creep time. I've overheard mother's whisper warnings about me to their daughters and it always weirds me tf out.

    Idk if this is something that happens to other Black men but this s*** feels dehumanizing as f***

  • Oct 27, 2020

    s*** like this is why i am making it my goal to no longer have to work retail every again i feel you bro

  • Oct 27, 2020

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Never thought this would be an issue. Thank you for bringing it to my attention

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    The certain position you got would make those assumptions with any dude tbh. Now if you getting those type results as a cashier or floor worker then yea idk

  • Nah I really don’t experience that op. But I get hella women trying to catch me looking at their ass crazy what some women will do for an ego boost

  • I’m white and male so this hasn’t happened to me. Sorry that sucks

  • Oct 27, 2020
    3 replies

    Must be ugly

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Op ugly y’all

  • I’d quit asap imagine being known as the town pedophile my guy just try to find something else

  • You worrying about the wrong s*** nigga need to worry about getting that money f*** them women and how they feel get that paper

  • Oct 27, 2020

    I don't work retail anymore but this has never happened to me. S*** must be annoying

  • A P O G

    Must be ugly

    First thing i thought

  • Oct 27, 2020
    A P O G

    Must be ugly

    yup only happens to non chads

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Never had this happen to me at work

  • Oct 27, 2020

    how tall r you op

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    tbh I'm always self conscious about this but I don't think a customer has ever called me out on it whether I'm actually doing it or not

    although one night I was sitting out in the parking lot waiting for a ride and this girl yelled at me "next time, take a picture a******!"

    I wasn't even checking her out like that lmao I think she mixed me up with my coworker who was also tall and wore glasses. actually he got fired for being creepy af and following a girl around the store once

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Just don't look directly at people then. Look at where the food is to make it seem as if your checking to make sure everything is there or something and then look away.

    Or just directly tell people if they need your help just call you so you know.

  • Oct 27, 2020

    Op is telling no lies if he’s using DEADASS

  • Oct 27, 2020

    tbh I'm always self conscious about this but I don't think a customer has ever called me out on it whether I'm actually doing it or not

    although one night I was sitting out in the parking lot waiting for a ride and this girl yelled at me "next time, take a picture a******!"

    I wasn't even checking her out like that lmao I think she mixed me up with my coworker who was also tall and wore glasses. actually he got fired for being creepy af and following a girl around the store once

    I would’ve said I already have too many pics of dogs on my phone

  • Oct 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Used to work retail and never had that problem, got a few numbers casually too.

    Do you give off creep energy

  • Oct 27, 2020

  • Black men shouldn't be working in corporate America tbh

    Do what u gotta do and get out!

  • Oct 27, 2020

    OP when a girl walks into the store

  • Oct 27, 2020
    So Illegal

    Used to work retail and never had that problem, got a few numbers casually too.

    Do you give off creep energy

    Tbh some ppl just give off creep energy even if they dont have any creepy intentions

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