thanks vro, I love you too ❤
You know what? Let me sincerely apologize for antagonizing you.
I’m honestly frustrated with the situation all around, and it’s easy for me to slip into an “American” point of view—cynical yet still trying to hold onto hope, pragmatic but deeply conditioned by the system I grew up in. But it just occurred to me: why would I ever assume that I know what’s best for Palestinians better than they do?
Anger is a justified response to the world we live in, especially in your situation, where people on the front lines are directly affected. What really made me reflect on this was the genuine frustration I felt at liberals using this situation to flex superiority while also understanding their anger. And then it hit me—Palestinians have been angry for nearly a century. How can we, in good conscience, be upset at them for expressing that anger rather than standing up to those in power who created and perpetuate their suffering?
So again, I want to apologize for insinuating that you were mentally ill. I struggle with mental health myself, and I thought making that joke would be okay—but it was wrong, especially in the face of the trauma you and your people have experienced. I also apologize for ever trying to downplay your cause or presence. I may not fully understand your experience, but I respect that your intentions are good, and I hope you keep fighting the good fight.
You know what? Let me sincerely apologize for antagonizing you.
I’m honestly frustrated with the situation all around, and it’s easy for me to slip into an “American” point of view—cynical yet still trying to hold onto hope, pragmatic but deeply conditioned by the system I grew up in. But it just occurred to me: why would I ever assume that I know what’s best for Palestinians better than they do?
Anger is a justified response to the world we live in, especially in your situation, where people on the front lines are directly affected. What really made me reflect on this was the genuine frustration I felt at liberals using this situation to flex superiority while also understanding their anger. And then it hit me—Palestinians have been angry for nearly a century. How can we, in good conscience, be upset at them for expressing that anger rather than standing up to those in power who created and perpetuate their suffering?
So again, I want to apologize for insinuating that you were mentally ill. I struggle with mental health myself, and I thought making that joke would be okay—but it was wrong, especially in the face of the trauma you and your people have experienced. I also apologize for ever trying to downplay your cause or presence. I may not fully understand your experience, but I respect that your intentions are good, and I hope you keep fighting the good fight.
الله يبارك فيك my friend, I appreciate your words. we are stronger united than divided.
despite my harshness towards the residents of burgerstan I have 100% faith that they will overthrow their imperialist government and put a stop to the genocide of my people
damn I aint even see this lol, bro switched up with the quickness in a positive direction
First two weeks
"If you are pro-Palestine, you cannot support Biden or Kamala" is even ending up even more so devastating in just two weeks
Openly quoting people with no political education, self-taught or otherwise, will never vindicate yall lol
Yall don’t read, yall don’t organize, yall don’t take the risks, and yet you think your opinion is worth something thought provoking
Openly quoting people with no political education, self-taught or otherwise, will never vindicate yall lol
WE DON'T F***ING HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU WHAT DON'T YOU GET? You guys are mistaken I'm not ASKING you for forgiveness for things I didn't do. I don't owe you s***.
I don't need/want forgiveness because I didn't do anything and I know where my heart stands. I'm TELLING you it's useless because Americans cannot feel sorry. You're having a tantrum at the wrong people
You're not my responsibility, I'm not Arab, I'm not Palestinian, the empathy and aid you get from us is completely contingent on us trying to and being ABLE to do something outside of the scope of our lives. Is it not a popular sentiment that America should stay out of foreign affairs? Are we just not doing "enough?"
I will reiterate, the VAST majority of Americans did not want this and do not want this and your answer to shame, shame, shame and blame for them not doing enough? So because a tiny percentage of our leaders who are ruled by money are responsible- we all COLLECTIVELY deserve the punishment?
F*** all that I won't repent for sins I did not commit. You can b****, you can moan, you can blame and I will sleep the same I will wake up and I will go to work. That's the unfortunate truth of the world it doesn't stop.
Why are you bringing up Jill Stein, it just shows your ignorance How many "unpure" liberals already know she's a f***ing puppet and plant designed to appeal to the self righteous and siphon idiots who btw don't even make up 3% of the total voting population.
Simply put if you are voting or choosing not to based on moral superiority, you have a room temperature IQ. You are siding in the destruction of not even just America, because this country will not go under without dragging people with us.
The problem is the sheep are so busy criticizing the Shepherd that they willingly side with the wolves. Facts do not matter. Rhetoric matters. If you can't effectively communicate to a captured audience they're frogs in a boiling bath, they will just continue to boil- you aren't meeting them where they're at.
In America, there are many of us who actively try and fight this. Many of us who actively want to make change besides posturing online, actively aid our communities, actively vote for social progressiveness and it's not an easy path.
All these f***ing purity tests, it gets you nothing but what it does to is radicalize the people who aren't plugged in and they misdirect their anger and energy. Because they want to hate the system that oppresses them and then there is you guys waving a huge "HATE ME" sign, the wolves use it to their advantage, and that's where they flock. They never wake up.
Insane how this violent fascistic right-wing rant can't get you banned from here
Insane how this violent fascistic right-wing rant can't get you banned from here
It’s was kinda funny dog walking him tbh he had to block me lol
Bouncing on it crrrrraaazzzy style
Typical American IQ
Reminder: this person told a Palestinian they use their family suffering as a debate point and thought they did something
Parents couldn’t have raised a bigger failure of a human being
i was honestly angry until i realized i have no right to be more angry than a palestenian, hence the apology
What an incoherent mix of deflection, misplaced self-importance, and blatant contradictions.
No one is asking you, personally, to “do something.” The conversation isn’t about personal guilt—it’s about structural power, global influence, and the reality that U.S. policy impacts the world in ways that make “staying out of it” impossible. The idea that America can opt out of the consequences of its own actions is naive at best, and willfully ignorant at worst.
2. “You guys are mistaken I’m not ASKING you for forgiveness for things I didn’t do. I don’t owe you s***.”
No one is asking for your personal repentance. No one cares about your fragile conscience. This isn’t about you as an individual—it’s about the geopolitical reality of U.S. actions. You’re not being blamed for an atrocity; you’re being reminded that the government you live under enacts policies that shape global conflicts.
3. “The empathy and aid you get from us is completely contingent on us trying to and being ABLE to do something outside of the scope of our lives.”
Wrong. The U.S. isn’t some neutral actor debating whether or not to help—it is actively funding, arming, and enabling military campaigns that result in war crimes. The “aid” being discussed here isn’t humanitarian—it’s the billions in military support that keep occupations and wars going.
4. “Is it not a popular sentiment that America should stay out of foreign affairs?”
And yet, America does not stay out of foreign affairs. It selectively intervenes when it serves economic, military, or geopolitical interests. You can’t claim the U.S. should stay out while ignoring that it’s already deeply involved. The sentiment that “America should stay out of foreign affairs” is meaningless when America is actively providing military funding, shaping policy, and wielding economic leverage worldwide.
5. “Are we just not doing ‘enough’?”
“Enough” implies some baseline level of acceptable complicity. The issue isn’t about whether Americans are doing enough—it’s that the U.S. government, regardless of domestic opinion, directly enables war and occupation through financial, diplomatic, and military support. Whether or not the average American agrees with it doesn’t change that reality.
6. “The VAST majority of Americans did not want this and do not want this.”
And yet, it’s happening. So what does that tell you? Either democracy is a farce where public will is ignored, or the “vast majority” doesn’t care enough to do anything beyond expressing disapproval in safe, non-consequential ways. Either way, your argument implodes on itself: if the U.S. government is fundamentally unaccountable to its people, then your “we vote and try to make change” argument falls apart completely.
7. “So because a tiny percentage of our leaders who are ruled by money are responsible— we all COLLECTIVELY deserve the punishment?”
Ah, the classic not my fault defense. Here’s the issue: regardless of whether you personally support U.S. foreign policy, it operates with your tax dollars, your elected officials, and your country’s economic and military power. This isn’t about personal guilt—it’s about structural complicity. You’re not personally orchestrating foreign policy, but you benefit from and are insulated by a system that does.
8. “Fuck all that, I won’t repent for sins I did not commit.”
No one asked you to. The conversation isn’t about moral absolution—it’s about acknowledging reality. Your refusal to “repent” is meaningless because this isn’t about your feelings. You don’t get to absolve yourself by pretending the issue is about individual guilt when it’s about global power structures.
9. “Why are you bringing up Jill Stein?”
Because Jill Stein is an example of how even “progressive” figures in American politics are either compromised or completely ineffectual. Your condescending dismissal—“how many unpure liberals already know”—only proves the point. You admit she was a Russian plant meant to siphon votes, yet still expect people to trust the broader U.S. electoral system? If even the supposed left-wing alternatives are compromised, why would anyone believe voting changes anything meaningful?
10. “If you are voting or choosing not to based on moral superiority, you have a room-temperature IQ.”
Ah yes, the classic “pragmatism” argument that ignores reality. The U.S. political system is structured to make sure that voting has minimal impact on foreign policy, and yet, you still want to shame people into playing a rigged game. Your whole argument is that the system is controlled by elites, but somehow voting within that system is still the key to change? Pick a side.
11. “You are siding in the destruction of not even just America, because this country will not go under without dragging people with us.”
This is an outright admission that the U.S. operates as a global bully—one that, if it collapses, will make sure to take everyone else down with it. And yet, you’re trying to argue that Americans shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions of their government? You’re literally saying, yes, America is destructive, yes, it will harm others, and no, we don’t care because we’re going to keep living our lives as usual. You can’t have it both ways: either the U.S. is an empire that people are right to resist, or it’s an innocent, misguided democracy.
12. “The problem is the sheep are so busy criticizing the shepherd that they willingly side with the wolves. Facts do not matter. Rhetoric matters.”
So you acknowledge that the entire system is built on manipulation and rhetoric, yet you’re mad that people are calling out the shepherd? If “facts don’t matter,” then why are you even engaging in debate? This is the weakest, most self-defeating line in your whole argument. You’re essentially saying, stop focusing on who’s in control and just accept how things are because that’s how the game works. That’s not pragmatism—that’s submission.
13. “In America, there are many of us who actively try and fight this. Many of us who actively want to make change besides posturing online, actively aid our communities, actively vote for social progressiveness and it’s not an easy path.”
If all of this effort is so noble and effective, then why has U.S. foreign policy remained fundamentally unchanged for decades? Why does every administration—Republican or Democrat—continue to support the same wars, the same occupations, and the same economic policies? If your “activism” doesn’t change the outcomes, then either it’s not working, or it’s designed to keep you busy while real power remains untouched.
14. “All these f***ing purity tests, it gets you nothing but what it does is radicalize the people who aren’t plugged in and they misdirect their anger and energy.”
This is just another way of saying don’t challenge the system too hard or you’ll scare the moderates. The reality is that moderation has achieved nothing. The “radicalization” you’re afraid of is the direct result of a system that refuses to respond to anything else. When every “pragmatic” approach has failed, people are justified in looking for something different.
Your entire argument is a self-contradictory mess of excuses. You claim:
1. The U.S. should stay out of foreign affairs (but ignore that it’s already deeply involved).
2. Most Americans don’t want this (but also admit that voting doesn’t change it).
3. People shouldn’t blame average Americans (but acknowledge that the U.S. is an empire that forces its will globally).
4. Activism and voting matter (but also admit that the system is controlled by elites and rhetoric is what truly drives policy).
Every single point undermines the last. At its core, your argument is just an elaborate justification for complacency—an excuse to sleep soundly while the government you claim to oppose continues its war crimes and/or support of them through Israel. If you truly believed in change, you’d welcome the challenge to the system instead of crying about people “bitching and moaning” about injustices you yourself admit exist.
New KTT ChatGPT bot just dropped
New KTT ChatGPT bot just dropped
إخلاص طيزي يا حمار كس امك
I don’t know why I, as a Palestinian, can form better sentences and put more effort into posting than native English speakers.
We do have higher literacy rates than Americans, but still.
WE DON'T F***ING HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU WHAT DON'T YOU GET? You guys are mistaken I'm not ASKING you for forgiveness for things I didn't do. I don't owe you s***.
I don't need/want forgiveness because I didn't do anything and I know where my heart stands. I'm TELLING you it's useless because Americans cannot feel sorry. You're having a tantrum at the wrong people
You're not my responsibility, I'm not Arab, I'm not Palestinian, the empathy and aid you get from us is completely contingent on us trying to and being ABLE to do something outside of the scope of our lives. Is it not a popular sentiment that America should stay out of foreign affairs? Are we just not doing "enough?"
I will reiterate, the VAST majority of Americans did not want this and do not want this and your answer to shame, shame, shame and blame for them not doing enough? So because a tiny percentage of our leaders who are ruled by money are responsible- we all COLLECTIVELY deserve the punishment?
F*** all that I won't repent for sins I did not commit. You can b****, you can moan, you can blame and I will sleep the same I will wake up and I will go to work. That's the unfortunate truth of the world it doesn't stop.
Why are you bringing up Jill Stein, it just shows your ignorance How many "unpure" liberals already know she's a f***ing puppet and plant designed to appeal to the self righteous and siphon idiots who btw don't even make up 3% of the total voting population.
Simply put if you are voting or choosing not to based on moral superiority, you have a room temperature IQ. You are siding in the destruction of not even just America, because this country will not go under without dragging people with us.
The problem is the sheep are so busy criticizing the Shepherd that they willingly side with the wolves. Facts do not matter. Rhetoric matters. If you can't effectively communicate to a captured audience they're frogs in a boiling bath, they will just continue to boil- you aren't meeting them where they're at.
In America, there are many of us who actively try and fight this. Many of us who actively want to make change besides posturing online, actively aid our communities, actively vote for social progressiveness and it's not an easy path.
All these f***ing purity tests, it gets you nothing but what it does to is radicalize the people who aren't plugged in and they misdirect their anger and energy. Because they want to hate the system that oppresses them and then there is you guys waving a huge "HATE ME" sign, the wolves use it to their advantage, and that's where they flock. They never wake up.
you know slime, I agreed with this before taking a step back and coming to terms with those i disagree with and something I realized is the notion that Palestinians (or any oppressed group) are responsible for moderating their demands to accommodate American sensibilities is problematic. Expecting oppressed people to package their suffering in a palatable way often reinforces power imbalances.
i hate to say it, but we really need to check our privilege when talking to Palestenian's, because fact of the matter is, all of our tax dollars are used to fund their oppression and we're sitting here debating about the semantics of respectability instead of using that anger towards the politicians that deserve it.
Idk man, I don't know everything, I don't know how to help outside of what I'm already doing (i never want to flex what I'm doing IRL, let Allah see that for himself), and just because your heart is in the right place doesn't give you the right to be angry and take it out on those directly affected man.
Much love brother, we need solidarity, and as one of Snowboys biggest haters, I came to realize I was wrong for how I handled this topic and I hope others can see where they went wrong too because yea, we need to stand up now to help them.
WE DON'T F***ING HAVE TO DO ANYTHING FOR YOU WHAT DON'T YOU GET? You guys are mistaken I'm not ASKING you for forgiveness for things I didn't do. I don't owe you s***.
I don't need/want forgiveness because I didn't do anything and I know where my heart stands. I'm TELLING you it's useless because Americans cannot feel sorry. You're having a tantrum at the wrong people
You're not my responsibility, I'm not Arab, I'm not Palestinian, the empathy and aid you get from us is completely contingent on us trying to and being ABLE to do something outside of the scope of our lives. Is it not a popular sentiment that America should stay out of foreign affairs? Are we just not doing "enough?"
I will reiterate, the VAST majority of Americans did not want this and do not want this and your answer to shame, shame, shame and blame for them not doing enough? So because a tiny percentage of our leaders who are ruled by money are responsible- we all COLLECTIVELY deserve the punishment?
F*** all that I won't repent for sins I did not commit. You can b****, you can moan, you can blame and I will sleep the same I will wake up and I will go to work. That's the unfortunate truth of the world it doesn't stop.
Why are you bringing up Jill Stein, it just shows your ignorance How many "unpure" liberals already know she's a f***ing puppet and plant designed to appeal to the self righteous and siphon idiots who btw don't even make up 3% of the total voting population.
Simply put if you are voting or choosing not to based on moral superiority, you have a room temperature IQ. You are siding in the destruction of not even just America, because this country will not go under without dragging people with us.
The problem is the sheep are so busy criticizing the Shepherd that they willingly side with the wolves. Facts do not matter. Rhetoric matters. If you can't effectively communicate to a captured audience they're frogs in a boiling bath, they will just continue to boil- you aren't meeting them where they're at.
In America, there are many of us who actively try and fight this. Many of us who actively want to make change besides posturing online, actively aid our communities, actively vote for social progressiveness and it's not an easy path.
All these f***ing purity tests, it gets you nothing but what it does to is radicalize the people who aren't plugged in and they misdirect their anger and energy. Because they want to hate the system that oppresses them and then there is you guys waving a huge "HATE ME" sign, the wolves use it to their advantage, and that's where they flock. They never wake up.
The American is washing their hands of genocide again guys
Oh my god my country is committing genocide and I can’t do anything to stop it why wont anyone feel bad for me?!?!!?! Don’t Palestinians understand that I can’t do anything without giving up my Netflix and DoorDash
I made sure to vote and they still did it! I’m trying my best here
I never wanted this to happen, so it’s not my fault when it does happen
doesnt anyone understand?
you know slime, I agreed with this before taking a step back and coming to terms with those i disagree with and something I realized is the notion that Palestinians (or any oppressed group) are responsible for moderating their demands to accommodate American sensibilities is problematic. Expecting oppressed people to package their suffering in a palatable way often reinforces power imbalances.
i hate to say it, but we really need to check our privilege when talking to Palestenian's, because fact of the matter is, all of our tax dollars are used to fund their oppression and we're sitting here debating about the semantics of respectability instead of using that anger towards the politicians that deserve it.
Idk man, I don't know everything, I don't know how to help outside of what I'm already doing (i never want to flex what I'm doing IRL, let Allah see that for himself), and just because your heart is in the right place doesn't give you the right to be angry and take it out on those directly affected man.
Much love brother, we need solidarity, and as one of Snowboys biggest haters, I came to realize I was wrong for how I handled this topic and I hope others can see where they went wrong too because yea, we need to stand up now to help them.
Palestinians don’t care about what Americans do or don’t do—we know it fundamentally doesn’t make a difference. I’ve said it before: 90% of the electorate could support Palestinian statehood, but that wouldn’t change the reality of U.S. military and geopolitical interests.
The person you replied to has an issue with a Palestinian speaking the truth of their own lived experience—it makes them feel insecure.
They responded to me, upset that I believe America deserves Donald Trump and that Americans deserve to lose their rights. The vast majority of Americans don’t care whet her I live or die or my family’s fate. That’s the real reality.
My suffering is a abstract conversation in a college campus or in a online debate to them at best.
America functions exactly how it was meant to. Seeing it implode because of the American public’s own ignorance and passiveness over decades does make me feel better. I will never feel guilty about that nor do I care whether or not an American has a problem with that.