Honestly kick it with Jesus, the guy had to be super chill
I imagine us just kicking it like some hippies
that man is not kicking it did u read the bible bro was active
that man is not kicking it did u read the bible bro was active
Well what was he doing before his ministry which lasted only 3 years? Those other years not recorded between then and his early childhood
That’s what I want to see
Well what was he doing before his ministry which lasted only 3 years? Those other years not recorded between then and his early childhood
That’s what I want to see
That boy musta been intense his whole life
that man is not kicking it did u read the bible bro was active
My boy Big J was catching them bodies way back in the g
Id go back to when I met @NobodyWins just so i can meet him again
That boy musta been intense his whole life
I’m sure if your just a normal guy he would be chill
He really only flipped out on the government & high ranking religious orders
There was that one time he cursed out a fig tree for not baring fruit tho
My boy Big J was catching them bodies way back in the g
What bodies did he catch tho lol
What bodies did he catch tho lol
When he was a kid, documented in the Infancy of Gospel Thomas, he's killed kids for splashing him with water, punching him, and for a kid throwing stones at him
Cuz was the first yn
Id go back to when I met @NobodyWins just so i can meet him again
Oh wow I’d do the same
When he was a kid, documented in the Infancy of Gospel Thomas, he's killed kids for splashing him with water, punching him, and for a kid throwing stones at him
Cuz was the first yn
Haven’t read the Infanncy Gospel of Thomas but I have The Gospel of Thomas text in physical
Will have to check it out
When he was a kid, documented in the Infancy of Gospel Thomas, he's killed kids for splashing him with water, punching him, and for a kid throwing stones at him
Cuz was the first yn
those infancy goepels are non-canon you can find some of them are in the quran actually