I’d pick David’s well Legion’s superpowers
I’d be a world breaker and I could basically do anything and create or destroy anything.
I could also incite mental shutdowns in peoples too
Reality warping
Dimensional travel
Suited for an apex predator like me
i’d be the apex being
Lmao this dude obsessed with apex predator
See for example you talking like this I put a universe in your head and throw you in it where you’re chased by Tigers and they eat you butt naked.
See for example you talking like this I put a universe in your head and throw you in it where you’re chased by Tigers and they eat you butt naked.
You goofy af man
Lay off that pipe
You goofy af man
Lay off that pipe
For you I’d make you become a crack pipe and I’d drop you in an alley full of junkies and you would never break and give them the best high
For you I’d make you become a crack pipe and I’d drop you in an alley full of junkies and you would never break and give them the best high
Pretty funny how polite they act lol. They take their hotdog and get out of the way
tryna be on some Dr. Manhattan s***
complete control over atomic and subatomic particles
dude is basically God