Possibly a biological terrorist tbh.
I literally will refuse to speak to someone if I know they do this. Had one person once ask me why I was ignoring them, and I told loudly because I saw them leave without washing their hand.
If you can open/close the door with ur feet and only use the urinal (assuming no splashback or hand-urine contact), ie dont touch anything with ur hands, i dont see the problem.
I use wet wipes so my hands are being cleaned by the wipes as I’m wiping my ass
I use wet wipes so my hands are being cleaned by the wipes as I’m wiping my ass
Not good enough Lisa.
For starters wet wipes are just going to spread the s*** particles; according to Sahih Hadiths the only proper way to clean yourself after taking a s*** is to use running water then you have to wash your hands three times making sure that the running water goes through the fingers with every rep.
I use wet wipes so my hands are being cleaned by the wipes as I’m wiping my ass
Nigga no
Before and after tbh
How dirty is your d***? It's just skin. Do you play with your pee?
You make your girls use mouthwash after a bj or do you think those are yucky
People really be out in public spaces and not wash their hands after using a public bathroom? I know it’s easy to be lazy if you didn’t touch things, but after Covid and realizing how nasty the average person is….I’d rather not take chances.
People really be out in public spaces and not wash their hands after using a public bathroom? I know it’s easy to be lazy if you didn’t touch things, but after Covid and realizing how nasty the average person is….I’d rather not take chances.
I may have skipped washing my hands in my own home a few times but never one time when using a public bathroom
Jacking off and leaving the house w/o washing your hands >
How dirty is your d***? It's just skin. Do you play with your pee?
You make your girls use mouthwash after a bj or do you think those are yucky
Just wash your hands bro
How dirty is your d***? It's just skin. Do you play with your pee?
You make your girls use mouthwash after a bj or do you think those are yucky
Just wash your f***ing hands you nasty f***
You going to that other a***ogy is wild as f*** and shows how nasty of a disgusting little goblin you are
Just wash your f***ing hands you nasty f***
You going to that other a***ogy is wild as f*** and shows how nasty of a disgusting little goblin you are
Wild a***ogy for sure what is bro yapping about?
Wild a***ogy for sure what is bro yapping about?
Dude felt so offended by being told to was his hands he went unhinged to the deep end
Just wash your hands bro
I do in reality, and carry hand sanitizer on my body all day at work which I obsessively use
But in reality if you're not touching piss what is so gross about your d*** lol I always find it funny how many men act like their p**** is some horrific monster that's disgusting to touch. I deal with way grosser things on a daily basis for work anyways