Bucket list type thing but not on no long term stuff. If someone told you have 6 months what would be some things you’d want to have experienced?
Get my affairs in order. Date the s*** outta my wife. Tell my brothers how much I love them and how I wish we were closer. Kamikaze Trump on my last day.
Get my affairs in order. Date the s*** outta my wife. Tell my brothers how much I love them and how I wish we were closer. Kamikaze Trump on my last day.
Purchasing a s*** load of narcotics. I need to be orbiting NEPTUNE when the lights finally turn out
Purchasing a s*** load of narcotics. I need to be orbiting NEPTUNE when the lights finally turn out
Lowkey tbh
prob take my friends and fam on vacation for however long I can afford it
give all my money to my immediate family and live out the rest of my life as a degenerate coomer.
Live those 6 months with no regrets, id plan what i felt i needed to but mostly be spontaneous
give all my money to my immediate family and live out the rest of my life as a degenerate coomer.
Drop out of school immediately
Would travel, but with corona would prolly just chill at home lol