Harry P**** was an American noise rock band from Miami, active from 1992 to 1997.
The often-violent music of Harry P**** is still well-regarded and highly influential in the noise and noise rock scenes.
How'd you come across this band?
🇭🇹 So many eras to choose from but here a few that held me down from childhood up through the modern era.
!https://youtu.be/KhVjY3lOhic?si=Ccrkyo7yNTtsMR2W!https://youtu.be/1fyY6xGk5Sw?si=4qHCy6bvnvZoAviD!https://youtu.be/Q23E1cGPKTE?si=CKrSwWTTIA5410rp!https://youtu.be/bmZgQFOA53E?si=izGYpa2iLhLb187O!https://youtu.be/_lpft-7DbTQ?si=Wo6Q3_4vrHJtBHHs!https://youtu.be/8dVzTyj0OQ0?si=TQSQZou8B92Dr60D!https://youtu.be/JFGOC1LXAOI?si=CVZfGTEsBKGVXvRh!https://youtu.be/S0nbOenwCLw?si=dO16Aa0c7nNM4MJbYou a real nigga for including Trick Daddy's song "Back In the Days".
www.thug.com is a classic.
Damn where’s this from? It’s not on streaming
Might have to peep these guys
album is so fire
This is cool, I found this going through FloridaBoy954’s archives on YouTube
He was in a different bag for this
Harry P**** was an American noise rock band from Miami, active from 1992 to 1997.
The often-violent music of Harry P**** is still well-regarded and highly influential in the noise and noise rock scenes.
How'd you come across this band?
I don’t remember, honestly! They just feel like a band I’ve known about as long as I’ve been into 90s indie/noise rock.
Here’s another great kind of lesser known Florida punk band, Sheer Smegma (aka Teddy & The Frat Girls):
I don’t remember, honestly! They just feel like a band I’ve known about as long as I’ve been into 90s indie/noise rock.
Here’s another great kind of lesser known Florida punk band, Sheer Smegma (aka Teddy & The Frat Girls):
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uwsND2N9_4Y&pp=ygUMc2hlZXIgc21lZ21hAnother heater
Thanks for putting me on