  • Oct 5, 2021

    do us all a favor and tell them about YOURSELF

    too many parents never talk to their kids about THEIR lives

    take the time to expound upon your offspring the experiences u had and what you learned

    dont just shelter your kids from reality

    and if your life is lame as S*** tell them that too. let them know how they can do better cus they need it. dont let them make the same mistakes u did

    if ur life was real as S*** then tell them that. if they wanna trap sell d**** etc. let them know why NOT to. cus that s*** is played out as f***. right?

    ok im kinda sauced but i think this all made sense

  • Oct 5, 2021

    i dont have kids but im near that age and i have some youngins i occasionally look after...

    tell them niggas whats up! like they probably already know half of it but tell them the full story!

    i jus feel like lil niggas get the soft half or the stupid half of the story, the reality is somewhere between. tell it like it is no bullshit an theyll always appreciate u for it

  • Oct 5, 2021

    i say this all cus my dad never told me the s*** i know he did cus he did tell my brothers and they told me

    i did the same s*** he did and almost died. he never told me s*** and that woulda saved me from a lot of bullshit. if i died a lot of people would be sad. so dont hesitate to educate these kids cus s*** gets real real fast

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    dam u ok op

  • Oct 5, 2021

    dam u ok op

    yea im a lil drunk but ill b fine

    I just want our kids to be the best they can be and that comes from knowledge

  • Oct 5, 2021

    im in grad school rn at a prestigous university

    like my life experiences taught me a lot and one thing i know is niggas will put u on the WRONG path. im black all my niggas is black or mexican so dont even try that s***.

    point being to raise your kids RIGHT so they dont end up on that path. i come from a GREAT family and i still f***ed up. but i made it out cus im lucky as hell tbh.

    this just for all my niggas who understand like raise your kids right plzzz we all gonna love u for that

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah, but even more important to lead by example by modeling, be consistent with discipline, and allow kids to make mistakes and don't save them.

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah, but even more important to lead by example by modeling, be consistent with discipline, and allow kids to make mistakes and don't save them.

    this interesting to me, dont save your kids is very interesting. my mom always tried to save me but my dad said no and she listened. remember i had bullies my dad said face them niggas yourself. i think this is a good mantra but it can go wrong if u messing with some crazy boys. luckily i was messing with f***bois them niggas later wanted to be my friend

    i need to be a better model for the youth, no more drinking hard liqour need to step up as a man. but god damn this s*** is hard

  • Oct 5, 2021

    This is very real

  • Oct 5, 2021

    its so weird like when your IN it nothing feels real

    its only till youre out of that world when u realize on s*** i coulda died like 5 times

    one of my best friends got out by snitching. i dont f*** with him but i dont blame him either. lucky i got out before i was in that position

  • Oct 5, 2021
    1 reply

  • Oct 5, 2021

    this interesting to me, dont save your kids is very interesting. my mom always tried to save me but my dad said no and she listened. remember i had bullies my dad said face them niggas yourself. i think this is a good mantra but it can go wrong if u messing with some crazy boys. luckily i was messing with f***bois them niggas later wanted to be my friend

    i need to be a better model for the youth, no more drinking hard liqour need to step up as a man. but god damn this s*** is hard

    Yeah.. depending on the situation an adult might be necessary to step in, but your dad intentions were probably wanting to you to learn how to handle situations like that on your own because it might happen again.

  • Oct 6, 2021

    This me at the beach with some ppl from school

    Beautiful day

  • Oct 6, 2021

    you really think frostyflakez is gonna let their kid know they post on KTT2?

  • Oct 6, 2021

    I already love talking about myself and how appreciative of my mom I am so they should be good

  • Oct 6, 2021

    Ima tell my kids I was Tyga

  • Oct 7, 2021

    @op I am 100% on board. been pestering my parents lately and im late teens and theyve only given me a snippet of their s***