I’m burning all of mine tonight.
haven’t already burned them? just say you’re okay with white supremacy and go
Wearing my dove hoodie rn. It's very warm. But Ye has been saying some very questionable things in the media recently. I think I will throw this away and die of frostbite tonight. In my obituary, please write that I was an ally.
haven’t already burned them? just say you’re okay with white supremacy and go
I’m finished.
Also if you wanna sell your stem player/merch dm
I'll take it for the low
You don’t want the stem player, trust me
Wearing my dove hoodie rn. It's very warm. But Ye has been saying some very questionable things in the media recently. I think I will throw this away and die of frostbite tonight. In my obituary, please write that I was an ally.
shoes already bricks bar a few models and market gonna be flooded with ppl tryna offload now, might as well hold onto this stuff
You don’t want the stem player, trust me
Your life finna change right noww
literally all the clothes you own are made by children who get paid pennies in inhumane conditions and you're now worried bc Ye said some bad things lol