  • Kengi 💭
    Mar 25, 2023
    1 reply

    aren’t some zoos sanctuaries that are actually good for conservation

    Of course if animals not happy they just stop eating

    We literally put dogs on leashes and carry them around.

    These mfers animals they dont have the same sense of self awareness as humans do.

    If you wanna call it gross then go for it but then call it all gross otherwise its just sensationalism. Zoos arent even that bad (with exceptions) like theres people working full time in caring for these animals. Thats a whole lot more than what the factory farmed chickens get before getting put into the grinder

  • it’s for kids who don’t know that yet

  • FREE 💜
    Mar 25, 2023
    Jamian Minato

    You literally like go to see animals lose their s*** in captivity yo
    Like they getting tortured psychologically and you enjoy it
    Do better and push to ban Zoos

    Nah f*** em

  • Mar 25, 2023

    A massive portion of of zoos in the west, Japan, China, and other countries are dedicated towards conservation, and many of their animals on display are born into captivity or rescued from abusive captors

    Those animals wouldn’t live in the wild, and the income they bring in helps external conservation efforts by zoos to help save species and rescue endangered individuals

    It’s importantly to find when a zoo is for-profit or nonprofit (or when they participate in zoological efforts) before creating these criticisms

    The San Diego Zoo’s zoological association is one of the largest in the world, and zoos provided critical places of conservation while saving species such as the California Condor and Giant Panda

  • Mar 25, 2023

    It’s a terrible post to make @op despite your intentions

    Let’s just destroy some of the last bastions of concentrated efforts for conservation because we have this illusion that we can just take animals in captivity and throw them out and they’ll be okay.

  • Mar 25, 2023
    1 reply

    im not vegan (imagine gatekeeping animal care) but zoos and circuses involving animals should be annihilated

  • Mar 25, 2023

    im not vegan (imagine gatekeeping animal care) but zoos and circuses involving animals should be annihilated

    zoos are extremely important

  • sonyatv 😽
    Mar 25, 2023
    1 reply
    Jamian Minato

    Let em put yoself in a sanctuary with other niggas that have animal profile pics and see how long you’d last


    educate urself on what a sanctuary is bro they dont go and steal these animals from the wild

  • Mar 25, 2023

    How you know this? You talk to them animals?

  • Kengi 💭
    Mar 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Some of these posts also like. You know weve worked together with animals for thousands of years?

    Some people out here saying we should be completely avoiding the existence of animals alltogether. Like just not intervene at all. Mfer we are animals too. What you think happen to horses when it wasnt for competitions, weird women and farms? Zoo animals just another instance of humans working together with animals. Them mfers gotta earn their living too. Whats important are the conditions theyre held in. Other users also brought up preservation which is a good point too.

    Like if you know people that work with animals these people often biggest vegans and animal rights activists.

    So confusing and honestly this rhetoric itt mostly comes from people that never been close to nature

  • Mar 25, 2023


    educate urself on what a sanctuary is bro they dont go and steal these animals from the wild

    I mean when there were only 27 California condors left in the wild the LA and SD zoos captured all of them

    They obviously need them back into healthy population numbers (500 or so) but many efforts require animals to be captured and placed on zoo, sanctuary, and aquarium sites

  • Mar 25, 2023

    Some of these posts also like. You know weve worked together with animals for thousands of years?

    Some people out here saying we should be completely avoiding the existence of animals alltogether. Like just not intervene at all. Mfer we are animals too. What you think happen to horses when it wasnt for competitions, weird women and farms? Zoo animals just another instance of humans working together with animals. Them mfers gotta earn their living too. Whats important are the conditions theyre held in. Other users also brought up preservation which is a good point too.

    Like if you know people that work with animals these people often biggest vegans and animal rights activists.

    So confusing and honestly this rhetoric itt mostly comes from people that never been close to nature

    There are examples of mutualism, self domestication, and domestication across the animal kingdom (ants literally farm aphids)

    Humans aren’t special

  • Mar 25, 2023

    Fake outrage.

  • Mar 25, 2023
    3 replies

  • Mar 25, 2023

  • 6isco 🦈
    Mar 25, 2023

    had the time of my life feeding them giraffes

  • Mar 25, 2023
    1 reply

    oh you got me twisted i don't go to zoos but i also don't pay people to do the same torture just for my taste pleasure

    you are a fool and a dimwit and should sit the f*** down and shut up

    Do you eat avocados

  • Mar 25, 2023

    You know not all zoos are like that and some zoos are beneficial for certain species

  • Mar 25, 2023

    The majority tho yeah f*** em

  • Mar 25, 2023

    I just wanna see the damn lions

  • Mar 25, 2023
    Jamian Minato

    Nah I ain’t f*** that weird s***
    At least the animals I’m eating are dead.
    Liberated you feel me?
    Zoos they inside a fake ass habitat with bunch of pro torture people looking at them go

    This reply is torture

  • Mar 25, 2023

    niggas just be saying this without actually thinking

  • plants 🌻
    Mar 25, 2023
    1 reply
    mo kream

    Do you eat avocados

    yes. now how u gonna "gotcha" me I'm curious

  • Mar 25, 2023

    I don't go anymore I have gone though

  • Mar 25, 2023

    hope ur vegan