@op make sure you enjoy the end of high school and your first two years of college because nothing will ever be like it
2 yrs at community college then transfer to uni
knock out gen ed there ^ and you can focus on more stuff related to your major at uni
2 yrs at community college then transfer to uni
knock out gen ed there ^ and you can focus on more stuff related to your major at uni
Yup yup yup
4 years is a sham
Yup yup yup
4 years is a sham
im doing community college in my hometown for this semester then ill transfer back hopefully
university was very isolating so its nice to have a change of pace to just get sophomore gen ed courses over with
i gotta retake a class when i get back to uni because i bombed it
if i was to start fresh again in 2020, i should've done two years local then transferred
latter half of hs senior yr was when covid kicked off right after winter break
it was sad they had to cancel prom and everything and ppl already had their rentals so people were pissed
we didn't even get to walk the line and i picked up my diploma on campus on some drive-thru s***
2 yrs at community college then transfer to uni
knock out gen ed there ^ and you can focus on more stuff related to your major at uni
The stigma around community college is so f***ing wack
Im halfway through college debt free, got my gen eds, and made some decent connections college experience my ass the half cc half uni route is GOAT
Set up 401K investments, automatic savings transfers, learn personal finance habits, learn the value of money and time, eat healthy, be healthy, invest in yourself
401k is real. Or some sort of retirement fund is essential. I wish I knew this back then. I didn't start an 401k till years after I turned 18. But I take it serious now. Retirement is important. You dont wanna work till your 80. Also, if you end up passing away early, you can pass it to your loved ones, which can help secure a future for them. On a side note, I'm grateful my pops who rip, just passed not too long ago left me and my sisters his. That, combined with my own savings over the next several years should set me up good later on. You gotta stick with it though, and contribute what you can every week or 2. That's a start, and just being smart in general with the money your making. You can splurge here or there but dont make a bad habit out of it.
Building credit early.
like 18 again? I'd f***ing cry because there would be no way i could luck into the same life i have right now.
like 18 again? I'd f***ing cry because there would be no way i could luck into the same life i have right now.
thats beautiful tbh bro
I would work my ass off for next 7 years and dollar cost average a crypto portfolio and start a side hustle that can eventually be your main income.
That’ll be in 2027 but I’m planning on not going to college and instead work in whatever and try things until I realize what I want to do and see if college would make sense or not
9. Children
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Lol at the second to last one
Dont listen to him kids, perfectly possible to turn your real interests into a career