Hmmm idk actually, I’ve done a pretty good job at not leaving any traces for any of my weird s*** lmao
its 2020 define dirt
Something that the average boomer or soccer mom would be appalled by, and could make you lose an election. It could be something like saying the word "tran ny" or something else when you were young, or an actual crime like pirating music
My post history.
I believe in 30 years people will be closer to my wavelength rn tho so I think I could successfully run for office in the future and come out unscathed.
Ktt posts
Ive been suspended in middle school🤔
Also probably horror stories from my ex’s if were being honest
Or just from people in general 💀
Im a nice guy tho just misunderstood😪
literally every point
They would track down my early edgy ktt 1 and rapgenius posts
And something embarrasing happened in 2013
I'm the most morally pure person of all time so they can't cancel me. Never even had a bad thought