  • If you dislike tik tok just ignore it. If you have children then be a good parent and monitor their internet usage. Its like when parents were calling for family guy to be banned.

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Mar 9
    1 reply

    why did you think you needed your own thread to express this

  • Mar 9
    2 replies

    its seems today that all you see is whining in life sxn and tiktok discourse again please god kill me

  • not necessarily but I’m not riding for it to be unbanned either

    kind of pathetic if you can’t live without it

  • Mar 9
    3 replies

    You can make that argument but it’s not really comparable to a TV show tbh.

    When people compare potentially legit concerns in the new landscape to Puritan video game panic s*** from the 90s or some BS it almost feels like a straw man or gaslighting lowkey. Lowkey you can justify anything that way, acting like any concerned person is just Kyle’s Mom

    Tiktok worse than every tv show and video game put together. Smart phones as a whole should be banned, I’m convinced it rotted intellect away more than previous media

    Just because people were wrong about violent video games doesn’t mean no media related concerns can ever be valid. It’s like a veil to hide everything behind at this point

  • I agree tiktok is nice when u get the algorithm to ur liking. But at first i didnt get it


    why did you think you needed your own thread to express this

    Nothng else going on in life sxn i think this thred is valid

  • I don’t use TikTok anymore because the endless video scroll feature definitely fries attention spans and fuels depression. If I had kids I wouldn’t let them near it.

    But I don’t think it should be banned Tbh, unless we do the same to other social media sites

  • DYNAMIC UNO 2words

    You can make that argument but it’s not really comparable to a TV show tbh.

    When people compare potentially legit concerns in the new landscape to Puritan video game panic s*** from the 90s or some BS it almost feels like a straw man or gaslighting lowkey. Lowkey you can justify anything that way, acting like any concerned person is just Kyle’s Mom

    Tiktok worse than every tv show and video game put together. Smart phones as a whole should be banned, I’m convinced it rotted intellect away more than previous media

    Just because people were wrong about violent video games doesn’t mean no media related concerns can ever be valid. It’s like a veil to hide everything behind at this point

    Last point is 📠

  • Mar 9
    1 reply

    Bro doomscrolling on tiktok for hours and calling ppl who don't losers.

    Least deluded TikTok watcher

  • DYNAMIC UNO 2words

    You can make that argument but it’s not really comparable to a TV show tbh.

    When people compare potentially legit concerns in the new landscape to Puritan video game panic s*** from the 90s or some BS it almost feels like a straw man or gaslighting lowkey. Lowkey you can justify anything that way, acting like any concerned person is just Kyle’s Mom

    Tiktok worse than every tv show and video game put together. Smart phones as a whole should be banned, I’m convinced it rotted intellect away more than previous media

    Just because people were wrong about violent video games doesn’t mean no media related concerns can ever be valid. It’s like a veil to hide everything behind at this point

    See this is more reasonable than most. You acknowledge that it’s not just one app, but the whole ecosystem of smart phones and social media.

    Most people want it banned because they see someone doing a cringe dance or whatever

  • ai generated life sxn thread

  • Mar 9

  • Fax My Brother

    its seems today that all you see is whining in life sxn and tiktok discourse again please god kill me

    Was this a reference to OP’s mention of family guy or

  • Imagine capping for MidTok

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Mar 9
    1 reply

    Singling out tiktok makes no sense. America is cooked

  • F*** Tik Tok

  • Mar 9

    I haven't installed the damn application. What's your issue?

  • Mar 9
    1 reply

    I'd understand if it wasn't so obviously a data collection front. But damn, you download tik tok and off bat it wants access to like 20 things on your Iphone. China would have a field day off the data collected on this app.

  • We want to ban smartphones

  • ok

  • Deleted TikTok
    Then Instagram
    Then Facebook
    Then even had to delete YouTube

    These short scrolling video’s are the worst thing modern technology has brought us

    Never been someone that gets addicted to s*** but I deadass can wast hours on end watching those things without even thinking about it.

  • You lived before it, you’d live after it

  • Mar 9
    1 reply
    DYNAMIC UNO 2words

    You can make that argument but it’s not really comparable to a TV show tbh.

    When people compare potentially legit concerns in the new landscape to Puritan video game panic s*** from the 90s or some BS it almost feels like a straw man or gaslighting lowkey. Lowkey you can justify anything that way, acting like any concerned person is just Kyle’s Mom

    Tiktok worse than every tv show and video game put together. Smart phones as a whole should be banned, I’m convinced it rotted intellect away more than previous media

    Just because people were wrong about violent video games doesn’t mean no media related concerns can ever be valid. It’s like a veil to hide everything behind at this point

    You act as if kids and teenagers 10-20 years ago were anything approaching “intellectual” lmao
