Was WAP trending/reccomdneded? Cause this video is literally just WAP.
Also maybe it has something to do with the fact that the video has a disclaimer that it might cause seizures lol.
I see why Carti cheated
I'd rather watch iggy shake her big fat ass than see Drake working at the fake apple store for the 800th time
I'd rather watch iggy shake her big fat ass than see Drake working at the fake apple store for the 800th time
imagine the smell
I'd rather watch iggy shake her big fat ass than see Drake working at the fake apple store for the 800th time
Workin on the weekends like usual
The white rapper the industry tried to force is "indie"? right she's mad a video she sent in early didn't get a promotion deal, she sure doesn't sound "indie"
she just need to accept her 15 minutes is up and move on
it's kinda funny to me how she's gone from vague, family friendly empowerment stuff to this lol
She's not wrong but that's the price you have to pay for not being signed. She should have been aware of this before she went independent. The gatekeepers in the music industry been around since forever so this tweet isn't going to change a thing, especially coming from someone like Iggy.
There's tons of successful independent artists who never got that push or exposure from a streaming platform/youtube. Iggy needs to take notes and accept the reality that they aren't going to put the spotlight on her anymore no matter how good her music is or how much she accomplishes.
I swear nothing iggy comes out with is in any way original: music, videos, rollout, even complaints about the industry