  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Delete this bullshit

  • Jun 8, 2023

    The kid also said they heard footsteps on the roof.

    They should check up there for physical evidences as well.


  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Delete this bullshit

    Hey f*** u

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Hey f*** u

    Sup Dreezy

  • Jun 8, 2023

    Apes are primitive to us and could kill us theres no way these things are indestructible or immortal

    Yeah apes would kill you in a fair fight, but apes ain’t killing humans when they use their technology.

    Same thing, we wouldn’t stand a chance against there tech at all if they were smart enough to get here

  • Jun 8, 2023

    yep i'd lose my s*** like never before


    Looking like Signs most realistic alien

  • Was about to flame @op but he a good dude after all

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jun 8, 2023

    but they didnt take their phones out and get the "subjects" on video?

    Cameras and phones for decades now and no one got a clear pic or vid yet

  • Jun 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Sup Dreezy

    They’re here bro

  • Jun 8, 2023

    On reddit ufo people are saying they see the head on the video lmao

  • Jun 8, 2023
    5 replies


    Lmao ay man

  • Jun 8, 2023

    They’re here bro

    Im scared bro

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jun 8, 2023

    so were all these guys high or something for this collective hysteria

  • Jun 8, 2023

    These are a few notable details logged by witnesses (21 total) of a reported "Fireball Event".

    1.) "This was extremely bright and seen in the direction of SLC Airport landing flight path, from the 10th floor of my condo. My first thought was that it was a crashing plane because it was low on the horizon angling down. However, it disappeared before it “hit”."

    2.) "Immediately after observing this fireball, two lights appeared in the sky above where the fireballs path had been. They resembled stars, but we’re moving quickly and disappearing then reappearing constantly over the next hour. Seemed as though they were multiple aircraft of some type circling around the sky over and over again. Sometimes they were bright and lasting up to 10 seconds before disappearing. They have been constantly circling and moving north on the horizon for at least an hour. Very strange phenomenon."

    3.) "looked like a large shooting star. predominantly green. did kind of “explode” before fading out. had a trail at first but not after."

    4.) "It seems so well that I thought maybe someone would hear it. Or that there may have been a collision with the ground. I asked on a Facebook group if people saw it and probably 10 to 15 people have said they did see it as well. But most of them were in Las Vegas I am south of Las Vegas facing north"

    5.) "I was riding my bike around 12:30 listening to music, then a large green light sprung into my vision and I watched it crash down, looked like a missile almost. I had headphones in, but still expected a large boom or explosion but nothing happened, I rode around the corner, smelled nothing, saw nothing, heard nothing. No one else seemed to witness it as well. It was extremely up close in my perspective, I have vision issues and wasn't wearing my glasses, but I have a hard time seeing things far out rather than up close. Besides the feeling of impending doom it was super pretty."

  • Jun 8, 2023
    2 replies

  • Jun 8, 2023

    This is worst case scenario btw (tall aliens)

    Manlets can’t catch a break

  • Jun 9, 2023
    2 replies

    I tend to think it’s a distraction but from what

  • Jun 9, 2023


  • Jun 9, 2023
    1 reply


    Lmao ay man

    it's literally that "ayy lmao" alien

  • Jun 9, 2023
    2 replies


    Lmao ay man

  • Jun 9, 2023
    1 reply

    This is what makes this story really really weird…the f***in ring camera from someone in his neighborhood boom @​1:48 lol


    If not for the police chest camera seeing something
    The ring hearing something
    And him seeing something it would be nothing

    y he look like he reading off something. also if it was a crash why was it a perfect circle lmao

  • Jun 9, 2023

    no video footage? 😂😂😂
    of course

  • Jun 9, 2023
    Mr Anderson

    Exactly lmao

  • Jun 9, 2023

    it's literally that "ayy lmao" alien

    Maybe when people say they have seen aliens and describe them they aren’t lying :/

  • Jun 9, 2023

    y he look like he reading off something. also if it was a crash why was it a perfect circle lmao

    He wrote down his thoughts and made a video

    Pretty normal
