I’m 25 ama

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  • Apr 2, 2020

    Nm bro. Sitting outside smoking out an apple looking at the skyline wbu?

    Man I just remembered when I used to make bowls out of apples.

    There used to be this Vine-like app 5 or so years ago where you could upload videos to a local community in your city (was in college) and my friend recorded me showing off this Apple bowl I made and smoking from it, s*** lowkey went viral and ppl started copying me tryna get the same clout, but they never got as many up votes as mine did

    Some people that knew me even recognized me when they saw me too

    But damn, I 100 percent forgot about apple bowls.
    They're lowkey goat. Don't have to worry about nasty old resin, or keeping a stinky bowl around. You can throw it away after the session and it lowkey tastes better than anything you could smoke out of.

  • Apr 2, 2020

    Best advice for a 17 year old

  • Apr 2, 2020

    I’m 12-7
