How would you know how to value something like that if you have never experienced it?
because there's articles on ear s***is like
Being in your late 20s and haven’t had s***yet is kinda crazy tho but times just different now. Unless you really like that girl,there’s no reason to pursue just any chick.
what's the most you've done with a girl?
i've done a few pecks on the lips
If it's your choice then do you
if you really waiting you got goat willpower my man respect to you
Edit: nvm i smell cap
i've done a few pecks on the lips
So then what was this thread
well do you jack off? cause i dont even think assexual people do that, but i could be entirely wrong
Sexual attraction =\= sexual arousal. Liken the two to craving a food vs being generally hungry. So they can jack off.
Projection: The Thread
You said in your random thread that you have a wife and kids. You also blamed KTT2 for losing your kids, wife, and a friend.
Sexual attraction =\= sexual arousal. Liken the two to craving a food vs being generally hungry. So they can jack off.
Speak on this brother
So being asexual means u don't feel intimacy but u still have sexual arousal is this what ur saying
You said in your random thread that you have a wife and kids. You also blamed KTT2 for losing your kids, wife, and a friend.
damn. combined with the avi I suppose OP is a professional s***poster