Did the best I could on my iPhone and obviously blurred out tattoos
Now stop harrasing me for pics
Okay we see why now
now i wanna know what he teaches
I am a woman and need to judge how you look to see if this is legit.
It's legit!
I got my wifey I’m good total good on that. I ain’t on the cheat on her wave.
now i wanna know what he teaches
That’s enough. I know how the internet works. Yall stay safe though
Crying at this post lmao
now i wanna know what he teaches
stop being this thirsty
Did the best I could on my iPhone and obviously blurred out tattoos
Now stop harrasing me for pics
Baldie lol
Baldie lol
owned him
I got my wifey I’m good total good on that. I ain’t on the cheat on her wave.
you and me both brother. goddesses deserve good men
That’s enough. I know how the internet works. Yall stay safe though
math is my guess
whenever a selfie has to be posted in a thread you know it bout to be classic
Need someone to paste his body on the kid Cudi "sock" photoshoot
@op a gym teacher!