  • After 9 PM my brain turns into a whole f***ing f***ity f*** and everything that crosses my mind isn’t nearly as good as rainbows and unicorns

    It’s funny because at first I wanted to avoid them, but it’s just like, wow another day thinking about suicide mid university journey
    And cutting weight is making them worse
    Gang am I cooked

  • Intrusive thoughts are a b****! U are suppse to embrace them and not push them out, and they will happen less.

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    IMO the key is to allow them to happen but try to truly process them and don’t let them become you. Easier said than done but getting trapped into thought patterns is dangerous and they can easily leak into your waking hours as well

  • Bro is staying up way too late get some sleep!

  • Jul 25
    2 replies

  • DS2

    IMO the key is to allow them to happen but try to truly process them and don’t let them become you. Easier said than done but getting trapped into thought patterns is dangerous and they can easily leak into your waking hours as well

    I already know my brains working pattern, this mf thinks he’s playing 3D chess with the master of retárdation Nice try Brain

  • Jul 25
    3 replies

    After 9 PM my brain turns into a whole f***ing f***ity f*** and everything that crosses my mind isn’t nearly as good as rainbows and unicorns

    It’s funny because at first I wanted to avoid them, but it’s just like, wow another day thinking about suicide mid university journey
    And cutting weight is making them worse
    Gang am I cooked

    You’re fine family. Just find distractions. And how long have you gone without sex? I know long term that won’t be the answer but short term it’s what a lottttt of people need

  • Jul 25
  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    You’re fine family. Just find distractions. And how long have you gone without sex? I know long term that won’t be the answer but short term it’s what a lottttt of people need

    18 almost 19 years and counting

  • This starts at like 2pm now

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    18 almost 19 years and counting

    If you just started college it gets better that’s a very anxious time

  • Leftbrain_

    You’re fine family. Just find distractions. And how long have you gone without sex? I know long term that won’t be the answer but short term it’s what a lottttt of people need

    S***and exercise are important been helping me a lot recently

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    If you just started college it gets better that’s a very anxious time

    I only wrestle, wake up wrestle
    Eat, then lift weights
    Then wrestle some more
    Then lift weights again
    Turbofan and then sleep (dream with wrestling)

  • KIR

  • Jul 25
    1 reply

    I only wrestle, wake up wrestle
    Eat, then lift weights
    Then wrestle some more
    Then lift weights again
    Turbofan and then sleep (dream with wrestling)

    What are you wrestling with? What are those feelings telling you?

  • Jul 25
    2 replies

    What are you wrestling with? What are those feelings telling you?

    Wrestling teammates at the gym
    Those feelings are telling me that what I’m looking for something that doesn’t exist yet and I’m working my ass off for nothing

  • This s*** 24/7

  • I can flip at any moment

  • Jul 25
    1 reply
    · edited

    Wrestling teammates at the gym
    Those feelings are telling me that what I’m looking for something that doesn’t exist yet and I’m working my ass off for nothing

    How does “wrestling” with “team mates” at the “gym” make you feel?

  • Jul 25
    1 reply
    · edited

    Wrestling teammates at the gym
    Those feelings are telling me that what I’m looking for something that doesn’t exist yet and I’m working my ass off for nothing

    sometimes it feels like youre spinning your wheels for months which is normal because honestly most of life is boring but write down your thoughts and ideas and paper and you might get some more clarity and your days might feel more impactful

  • Classique

    sometimes it feels like youre spinning your wheels for months which is normal because honestly most of life is boring but write down your thoughts and ideas and paper and you might get some more clarity and your days might feel more impactful

    I should live more adventures, it’s always the same routine and it’s driving me crazy, I’m this close to leave everything and live in some island

  • Jul 25
    1 reply
    Uncle Jack

    How does “wrestling” with “team mates” at the “gym” make you feel?

    Like an empowered black woman in the body of a uni student, nigga how you think I feel? Exhausted

  • KIR


  • greatsmilebuddy_

    Like an empowered black woman in the body of a uni student, nigga how you think I feel? Exhausted

  • Jul 25
    2 replies

    I'm ngl getting drunk and high has kept me surviving for years