Been doing the same thing bro. We got this s***, just gotta stay focused and work at it literally every day and don’t make excuses for a lack of effory
Been doing the same thing bro. We got this s***, just gotta stay focused and work at it literally every day and don’t make excuses for a lack of effory
Facts, I've been finishing my college assignments @ the beginning of every week to alleviate more time for my goals. The grind never stops fr 😤
In OP. I’ve been making improvements to myself as well. Love to see it.
keep going man, a worldwide pandemic is no excuse to not achieve your goals 😈
keep going man, a worldwide pandemic is no excuse to not achieve your goals 😈
All the more reason to. Hyperbolic time chamber type s***. We coming out fit af, pretty af, and skilled af on god. The glo will be immaculate.
I love the energy.
All the more reason to. Hyperbolic time chamber type s***. We coming out fit af, pretty af, and skilled af on god. The glo will be immaculate.
shine nigga shine!
stepping it up little by little. iPhone acquired 😎
i’ve been slacking since this epidemic. thank you for this bro, still in the process of bouncing back from a couple L’s myself. a long journey but worth it🙏🏽
The iPhone s*** made me cringe so violently that I left my body, but otherwise I appreciate the hustle and wish you the best of luck
Virgini Android to Chad Iphone
Bright a smile to my face
The iPhone s*** made me cringe so violently that I left my body, but otherwise I appreciate the hustle and wish you the best of luck
The iPhone s*** made me cringe so violently that I left my body, but otherwise I appreciate the hustle and wish you the best of luck
this iPhone s*** is just aesthetically pleasing . the way I was living with my google pixel 1 was not the move
What are some of your next steps OP @oldmanwilli ?
this iPhone s*** is just aesthetically pleasing . the way I was living with my google pixel 1 was not the move
Never had a pixel, thought about it but just wasn't a fit for me
I love my S10e and my Macbook, it's all love
What are some of your next steps OP @oldmanwilli ?
Can’t say too much or I’ll jinx it, but next step is getting back into skincare & going to the gym again
Can’t say too much or I’ll jinx it, but next step is getting back into skincare & going to the gym again
Dope. How are you going to the gym during this time? Has the pandemic put anything on pause for you?
Dope. How are you going to the gym during this time? Has the pandemic put anything on pause for you?
not really, some places are closed but not all the gyms are. main thing is gonna be getting food for meal prepp in s*** 😖
not gonna sit around & repeat the L of my life that was 2019. very motivated to make drastic change so that's what im going to do!
quitting my job today too :^) gonna make monthly edits of my progress so stay tuned.
STEP 1: paying off short term debts 😡
*EDIT 1 ~ Just paid off my short term debts! honestly finished them earlier than expected so onto step 2: self care. gonna try to go the gym and eat more too! 😤🏋️♂️
*EDIT 2 ~ Small W just upgraded from virgin android to chad iPhone. Month ain’t over yet, halfway there in terms of getting all my self care s*** at once, so expect that in the next update 😎👌
*EDIT 3 ~ BIG W BOYS! just got all the cheesh I need for the self care stuff yesterday so I’m on my way to get it now. Already have my routines and workouts planned out so I’m coming out the chamber GOOD. very motivated, next step: NEW CAMERA 📸
*EDIT 4 ~ Starting to see results from getting my self care s*** in order. Skin is getting clearer, thoughts ain’t so cloudy, not feeling like s*** as much when looking in the mirror, we going up 😎✨. Might post before and afters in the next few months so look for that. Halfway to getting this camera gear too, KEEP GRINDING!
*EDIT 5 ~ Camera is secured bbygirl 😎🤝. I’ve been waiting on this s*** for so long, gonna make so much s*** with this thang. Expect some hi def videos posted on here cause a nigga just UPGRADED. Honestly so excited for the future because this was a big step & it’s finally done. NEXT STEP: NEW COMPUTER 👨🏾💻
*EDIT 6 ~ YEAAAAH!!! Computer = Copped! Thought that s*** was gonna take way longer, i finessed the game. Was originally gonna get this pc that cost a whole RACK, but i used my brain and copped a cheaper one + a drawing tablet and more lenses. Gonna really help with editing and maybe animation? Who knows, only time will tell 💆♂️ NEXT STEP: GIMBAL & NEW MIC LETS GOOOOOO! 🗣
*EDIT 7 ~ Damn I haven't been on KTT in a minute, BUT THE BOY IS BACK! Gimbal and mic have both been acquired and they're some mf beauties. Fell back a lil on working out n s***, but plan on going to the gym in October onward so that's not even a worry to me. Know it's grind time. I'm going into gorilla mode so the next steps are getting better clothes & changing my look (transforming the ego type s***) & churning out content. YAHAHOOEYYYyyy! 😈
I'm happy for you. Keep it up.
What kind of job did you have?
What did you do to ensure you had enough money after quitting your job?