also are yall rly telling dude with a debt problem to try gambling
@op how much
also are yall rly telling dude with a debt problem to try gambling
@op how much
3k on credit
2k ~ on other stuff, bills, loans, etc
also need money to invest on my career, im on the verge of releasing an album months ago and can't do it faster bc of money
fr i just need to get a job, i been delaying it bc im not used to it and feels like a step down to me but i been gettin used to the idea
out here (im not from the US) i can get like 1k monthy for an easy job, im thinking of using half of it to live and the other half to pay debts slowly
also are yall rly telling dude with a debt problem to try gambling
@op how much
90% of gamblers quit before they hit big.
3k on credit
2k ~ on other stuff, bills, loans, etc
also need money to invest on my career, im on the verge of releasing an album months ago and can't do it faster bc of money
fr i just need to get a job, i been delaying it bc im not used to it and feels like a step down to me but i been gettin used to the idea
out here (im not from the US) i can get like 1k monthy for an easy job, im thinking of using half of it to live and the other half to pay debts slowly
that's honestly not that bad
i was in like 5x more debt
you can fix that with a job lol
if you work a job even a part time you'll probably learn to manage your time better and get more creative stuff done anyways
3k on credit
2k ~ on other stuff, bills, loans, etc
also need money to invest on my career, im on the verge of releasing an album months ago and can't do it faster bc of money
fr i just need to get a job, i been delaying it bc im not used to it and feels like a step down to me but i been gettin used to the idea
out here (im not from the US) i can get like 1k monthy for an easy job, im thinking of using half of it to live and the other half to pay debts slowly
5k is nothing
U could pay that off within a year easy
“Super debt” was thinking like $75k+
You can literally get rid of your debt within a month
“Super debt” was thinking like $75k+
You can literally get rid of your debt within a month
Debt is debt but yeah op you not really in deep.
need to find a job asap, this s*** depressing
im an artist and im not used to a regular job but rn idk what else to do, send good vibes
How much debt we talking?
But before the last few years of me getting into management, money was tight as f***. I was working full time and desperately needed to upgrade my photography equipment for my personal business. I ended up watching this Kevin Samuels video where he was going in on men who called in and that s*** inspired me. I went out and picked up a part time job at Amazon to save up. I saved so much money, bought a new Sony camera and drone on credit, paid that off and etc. I felt so good because I was taking matters in my own hands.
If you’re young enough and in good health, there’s no excuses. Ain’t nobody coming to rescue you! No pity parties young nigga. Nobody owes you anything. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your time and energy to get where you need to go. If you need to pick up a part time position temporarily, do it. You got the power
3k on credit
2k ~ on other stuff, bills, loans, etc
also need money to invest on my career, im on the verge of releasing an album months ago and can't do it faster bc of money
fr i just need to get a job, i been delaying it bc im not used to it and feels like a step down to me but i been gettin used to the idea
out here (im not from the US) i can get like 1k monthy for an easy job, im thinking of using half of it to live and the other half to pay debts slowly
only 5k in debt probably puts you above the average american in terms of wealth
Debt is debt but yeah op you not really in deep.
im expecting to pay it in a year or more so its a lot for me
if you wanna help a real one
Only fans low key the wave
No offense OP but it sounds like you have the solution to your problem and you don’t want to take “lessor work” out of pride and would rather be in the situation you’re in now. I hope everything works out for you but I think there’s a lesson here for you to learn
“Super debt” was thinking like $75k+
You can literally get rid of your debt within a month
How do you clear 5k in a month?
A couple of these
if you wanna help a real one
get a f***ing job
actually they're in debt to u because ur so cuttttte and ur smile lights up the rooooom and honestly they should be paying u just for existing 😊😊😊
Sometimes part of being an artist is having a job to sustain your passion. That doesn’t make you any less of an artist than somebody who does it full time. If your basic needs arent met, the stress of that is going to detract from your artwork anyway. Most people doing it full time have just done that already.