a lil insensitive, but what did the nose straw thing they use to check you feel like?
Idk what version test that person got but its f***ing awful lol
s*** hit parts of my nose I dont think Ive had touched since the lil blower thing your parents use on u as a baby
the old type tests used to touch your brain tho
Look, how bout we just have some makeup s***and get some breakfast in the morning ?
my bad i didn't see your follow up where you say you go stupid after a certain hour. is that what happened in the mask thread too?
my bad i didn't see your follow up where you say you go stupid after a certain hour. is that what happened in the mask thread too?
don't be liike that baby
Damn, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You'll get better soon, stay strong. Ive heard from a few people saying when you have the Rona , food actually feels gross in the mouth or you develop "phantom tastes". Are you experiencing this OP ?
I haven’t been eating as much, it’s ruined my appetite but no I didn’t experience that
I already had it s*** was aight
The main issue is spreading it to people who aren’t aight
I tested positive, I’m unsure how long I’ve had it for. So far I feel pretty good, the only symptom I had was dizziness and loss of smell/taste.
damn didn’t realize so many ktt users had this s***, crazy
ive has a couple close scares but nothings been positive
starting to feel a bit under the weather again though
ive been taking a tablet that contains a bunch of vitamins, minerals, and herbs every time I’ve felt even a tiny bit sick since March
the one thing i lack though is good sleep, I get like 4-5 hours a night only
How you holding up @op
I’m better, I get bad fevers when I go to bed but I guess that’s my body fighting it off
I’m still not leaving the house lol
I’m better, I get bad fevers when I go to bed but I guess that’s my body fighting it off
I’m still not leaving the house lol
That’s good man, you taking Tylenol?
I’m assuming I had it for like a day and half then
I woke up with a fever around 2am and lasted about 24 hours. Had body chills for like 2 days. major headaches That was it. Only lasted a weekend and Advil calmed my fever.
This happened to me but I never got tested, I wonder if I had it or not
Nope just vitamins
Take Tylenol for your night fevers lol. It’s a fever reducer
I tested positive too, honestly only symptoms I’ve experienced (thus far) is dizziness and loss of smell/taste.
ive been taking a tablet that contains a bunch of vitamins, minerals, and herbs every time I’ve felt even a tiny bit sick since March
the one thing i lack though is good sleep, I get like 4-5 hours a night only
Sleep is way more vital than any vitamin bruh