This quarantine isn't about public health. It never has been. It's about people wanting to tell others how to live their lives.
Most colleges in America have already announced they'll remain online for the '21-'22 school year. Why would they need to do this when everyone has vaccines now? It's cause they want to take your money and look woke while doing it. Business/schools can operate at 10% capacity and still take 100% of your tuition. Meanwhile everyone else gets laid off from their jobs. All for a virus with a 99% survival rate.
Remember when the CDC said you shouldn't wear masks? Remember when they said the only reason a lockdown would be needed is to keep hospitals from getting to full capacity? Remember when Dr. Fauci said schools DON'T have to be closed? Crazy how much s*** we ignore because we wanna be more woke than everyone.
The virus is real. People should take reasonable measures to avoid it. Masks, social distancing and vaccines are all good things. But the fact that we're letting higher education and big business bully us to this extent shows how much of a p**** generation we're in. Gen Z let Bezos bend us over, f*** us in the ass, and then we THANKED him for it.
If you sneeze on me @op ill beat that ass
Imagine crying about quarantine in April of 2021 lol dawg quarantine whole time been over with for well over a year now.
Imagine crying about quarantine in April of 2021 lol dawg quarantine whole time been over with for well over a year now.
relevant username
Where’s that “most colleges” thing come from? I dont think that’s true, schools in my area are planning on opening for the fall, they know they would lose money/students if they don’t
Imagine crying about quarantine in April of 2021 lol dawg quarantine whole time been over with for well over a year now.
He’s stupid
relevant username
This thread would’ve been relevant early last year brah. Life is damn near almost back to regular with work and schools too you madder than me for no reason.
they said don't wear masks during the period there was massive mask shortages around the world . its like yall forgot the context
and that's not true about "most colleges"
Where’s that “most colleges” thing come from? I dont think that’s true, schools in my area are planning on opening for the fall, they know they would lose money/students if they don’t
idk about other states but nearly every school near me still planning on online fall semesters.
most of it is lazy professors/teachers who don't wanna do their job and threaten to quit.
@op a moron