  • May 18, 2023

    sounds like OP got some trauma he needs healing

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Ngl I feel OP at some level. The whole "trauma", "healing", "consequences", "therapy" thing just feels corny at a level.

    Every generation had it's traumas and no one has ever lead a "perfect" childhood. Neurodiversity, physical activity, potential situations, integration of experiences, and other factors play a part.

    We're all going through stuff all that matters is that we take care of each other and try our best everyday. We're making a better world it just takes time.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Both things can be true:

    • A lot of ppl are using the information they have gained in this new world in order to perpetually be victims and use their trauma/mental illness as a quirky personality trait and not as something to actively work on and heal. And I do wish the talk of mental illness becomes more solution based in the mainstream rather than “lol just wallowing in it cause that’s what it is now” cause nothing changes if nothing changes. S*** I had to learn that myself these past few months.

    • A lot of ppl after decades of having to hold or force s*** in to be a “functioning working member of society” are finally sick of doing that and dropping the facades. (This is why the slow death of the nuclear family is a good thing RT @FIFTY950 ) it’s annoying to us old f***s (we getting up there) because it’s a new language and way of thinking that niggas are not used to. And niggas hate change so we gon complain instead of adapt and realize how this new language helps us in the long term.

  • May 18, 2023

    This is trauma speaking bro, you will heal soon dont worry

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Both things can be true:

    • A lot of ppl are using the information they have gained in this new world in order to perpetually be victims and use their trauma/mental illness as a quirky personality trait and not as something to actively work on and heal. And I do wish the talk of mental illness becomes more solution based in the mainstream rather than “lol just wallowing in it cause that’s what it is now” cause nothing changes if nothing changes. S*** I had to learn that myself these past few months.

    • A lot of ppl after decades of having to hold or force s*** in to be a “functioning working member of society” are finally sick of doing that and dropping the facades. (This is why the slow death of the nuclear family is a good thing RT @FIFTY950 ) it’s annoying to us old f***s (we getting up there) because it’s a new language and way of thinking that niggas are not used to. And niggas hate change so we gon complain instead of adapt and realize how this new language helps us in the long term.

    Nuclear family dying might worsen some of this s*** tbh idk

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    If everyone cut there hours in half we would have a lot of important jobs not done.

    I thought you were smarter than this bro no way you actually bought into capitalist propaganda like this LMAO you talking like a CEO of Nestle or Southwest Airlines

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Nuclear family dying might worsen some of this s*** tbh idk

    That was part of “people holding s*** in to be functioning members of society”thing.

    Ask your grandmas and great grandmas how much they benefited from a model where they was getting the short end of the stick + the grandpas/great grandpas dealing with an insurmountable amount of pressure that the average human being shouldnt have to deal with.

    Even Natives and African tribes had ways to split duties amongst the genders. the nuclear family model was some eurocentric s*** fr fr

  • May 18, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    For me specifically, all the things I loved, I stopped loving. I lost all motivation, if you know me irl, you would know I stay smelling good or will keep a spot clean but I just couldn’t keep myself up 100%. I was losing mad weight cause I wasn’t eating cause I was rarely hungry. I was pushing everyone away, burning bridges acting like everyone is plotting against me etc.

    Imo if it’s just a hard time waiting to pass, it’ll easier day by day. But with depression to me at least, it felt like there’s no end game. Like I legit felt as if I was gonna be down forever cause months and months was passing me by and I was feeling the same n all that.

    I can only speak for myself tho cause I’m not a specialist, just someone that has been through some mental health issues myself.

    Yeah I went through this s*** for a straight decade before I made it out, had to deal with that and intense DPDR. It's scary asf when you're in that pit because when you reach that conclusion that "nothing matters" and there's no evidence that backs up that anything does it's just so rough.

    People out here got gripes and issues, and it's pretty good everyone is opening about their issues so maybe we can societally structure better ways to live and change stuff. So there is definitely some positives that come out of it

  • May 18, 2023

    Outside of maybe the 70’s-90’s (and that depended on the city you’re in) this is maybe the cushiest time in human history especially if you live in America lol. Arguably even moreso as black people compared to what niggas in the 30’s-60’s had to go thru

    I think our generation likes to revel in the idea of us being in some perpetual world changing world is about to end era lol. Like it’s a personality trait to list off all the f***ed up s*** going on and patting ourselves on the back for “surviving it” lol

    lmao this is the most user post user ever made

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    The Darkest Angel

    I thought you were smarter than this bro no way you actually bought into capitalist propaganda like this LMAO you talking like a CEO of Nestle or Southwest Airlines

    Is anyone not anti capitalist. where did everyone go 😭

    I just don't see how stuff would work if in this scenario everyone cut hours to 20 hours. People would have more free time but now stores and restaurants would have shorter hours and less staff. Idk.

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    Is anyone not anti capitalist. where did everyone go 😭

    I just don't see how stuff would work if in this scenario everyone cut hours to 20 hours. People would have more free time but now stores and restaurants would have shorter hours and less staff. Idk.

    So you hire more people and create more jobs

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    That was part of “people holding s*** in to be functioning members of society”thing.

    Ask your grandmas and great grandmas how much they benefited from a model where they was getting the short end of the stick + the grandpas/great grandpas dealing with an insurmountable amount of pressure that the average human being shouldnt have to deal with.

    Even Natives and African tribes had ways to split duties amongst the genders. the nuclear family model was some eurocentric s*** fr fr

    I'm confused. Are we talking about gender and societal roles or are we just talking about mfs being raised by two parents.

    Cuz a lack of proper parental guidance is why you seeing a lot of these adults and young adults on some stupid s*** now

  • May 18, 2023

    Victimhood became a form of cultural currency

  • Also there's a difference between recognizing trauma and coping with it and using said trauma to justify being a willful loser, which a lot of these mfs do

  • May 18, 2023

    So you hire more people and create more jobs

    unemployment rate is already low where are these people coming from

  • May 18, 2023

    People are becoming more racist and homophobic in recent history and it's not stopping

    Feels like any progress made up until COVID withered away

    The fact that this is even something to note makes this a safer/more progressive time than past generations lol

  • May 18, 2023

    bro fell for the propaganda damn^

  • May 18, 2023

    ok Jordan Peterson lol

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Ngl I feel OP at some level. The whole "trauma", "healing", "consequences", "therapy" thing just feels corny at a level.

    Every generation had it's traumas and no one has ever lead a "perfect" childhood. Neurodiversity, physical activity, potential situations, integration of experiences, and other factors play a part.

    We're all going through stuff all that matters is that we take care of each other and try our best everyday. We're making a better world it just takes time.

    Everything corny to yall

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm confused. Are we talking about gender and societal roles or are we just talking about mfs being raised by two parents.

    Cuz a lack of proper parental guidance is why you seeing a lot of these adults and young adults on some stupid s*** now

    The former.

    Plays a huge part in the “trauma” thing op talkin bout

  • insertcoolnamehere

    The former.

    Plays a huge part in the “trauma” thing op talkin bout

    so then societal roles / gender roles should be what's dying off. Not a complete family lol there's positive aspects to that s***

  • May 18, 2023
    math fifty

    How do we pay for everything else

    The federal reserve creates money to "borrow" from the citizens via bonds/certificates, pensions, insurances, etc.

  • May 18, 2023
    The Darkest Angel

    Trump and Biden f***ed up the economy

    China spying on us with balloons

    Russia killing Ukraine

    Niggas trapped in North Korea

    Canada on fire and Trudeau a dumbass

    There's so much s*** going on why should everyone pretend to ignore it nigga we sick of this s*** fr. You're username is So Much Pain you're just as traumatized as anyone

    Just Trump and Biden

  • May 18, 2023
    AK Fresh

    I’ve seen some dumb threads before but this one right here…

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Everything corny to yall

    It ain't corny trauma and healing and all that has it's place. I'm not s***ting on it, but for me emotionally at some level I just feel all the hurt I experienced and never got the shot to get over it and process it. So I kinda go "meh" to it, deep inside me. But I'm a work in progress.

    I do the work, and I encourage others to do the same. All I just say is that we just help each other through ourselves and if people got trauma/problems and they voice them, we have an obligation to listen.

    It takes time, openness, and getting over ideas we have in our heads I think idk
