Dunno if it’s been posted
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LOtkH5amC7s&pp=ygUQZnJvbnRpbiBwaGFycmVsbA%3D%3D!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W5WTjqZuL_c&pp=ygUoYmVmb3JlIGkgbGV0IGdvIGZyYW5raWUgYmV2ZXJseSBhbmQgbWF6ZQ%3D%3D!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=084CTVoQz_c&pp=ygUbaWNlIGNyZWFtIHRydWNrIGRvbSBrZW5uZWR5bbq for
the whole squaddd.. house party right down the street
sip champagne all dayy…
ice cream truck all week
have to disagree (respectfully)
its the mark of a true person of taste
Don't get me wrong, great album
But LoveSounds is some of the greatest music humanity has ever created
My Love
I Think She Knows Interlude
What Goes Around
Until The End of Time
come on breh
Im not responsible for the pregnancies
If i had to pick 1, its the first one.
Im not responsible for the pregnancies
real for travis porter
go shawty go shawty goooo
bbq for
the whole squaddd.. house party right down the street
sip champagne all dayy…
ice cream truck all week
it really do be going up when it comes on too
Don't get me wrong, great album
But LoveSounds is some of the greatest music humanity has ever created
My Love
I Think She Knows Interlude
What Goes Around
Until The End of Time
come on breh
I hear u too but let’s take a ride???????? Still on my brain???? Last Night????
heard this joint at every family function at least 10 times on every occasion as a kid, s*** is ingrained in my mind differently lol
Im not responsible for the pregnancies
Yikin’ is hilarious