I regret using p***ography, but the rest of my life is lived as I want.
when i'm 8 i'll stop my mom from going to work when she gets killed by a drunk driver
and i'll tell my grandfather to go to the doctor sooner.
I’d off myself fr
imagine everything you ever did and everyone you met didn't actually happen and you were aware of it
i'd be 6 years old in a mental hospital
I would tell me mum I want a different packet of biscuits for school tomorrow
this tbh
if it was all a dream and I woke up as a kid I'd still live in the moment
My live was kind of s*** at 6, parents just split up, moved to a new city, mom was beating me everyday
I mean
If everything happened the exact same way I would just tell my parents to invest in Facebook, Apple, amazon, etc
I’d probably doubt my existence forever on some Descartes s***
If the last 15 years have been a dream how can the next years be reality?
No matter what
You’re going to have just as many problems and Challenges as you did before
Study harder in school
Work out at least three times a week
Save all the money I wasted
Won’t destroy the relationships I had