  • Dec 11, 2023

    Here’s what I would do to improve every Drake project

    SFG - Nothing, perfect how it is

    TML - Scrap, drop EP with all the singles and bangers and move on to TC

    TC - Nothing, perfect how it is

    NWTS - Nothing, perfect how it is

    IYRTITL- Nothing, perfect how it is

    WATTBA- Nothing, perfect how it is

    Views - cut out the tracks that pander to different fan bases and keep the ones that sonically make sense together

    ML - Cut the tracks Drake isn’t on

    Scorp - cut most of side b then put it together with side A to make a good 15 track album

    Care Package- Nothing, perfect how it is

    DLDT - Don’t drop as a throwaway compilation, instead fully flesh out each record, add a few more hits and drop as a legit 2020 studio album

    CLB - Focus on one or two styles and stick to them and cut everything else

    HNM - Better vocal performances, better vocal production, better vocal mixing

    HNM - Nothing, perfect how it is

    FATD - Split into two different albums, one for all the serious narrative romance and lyrical s*** and another for the bangers and fun records

  • Dec 11, 2023

    Youngboy feature

  • Dec 11, 2023

    Bro said cut most of Side B....

    Side B > Side A easily for me