crazy thing is that faneto, which is seemingly the joke answer here, is actually the closest
lol no one knows anything by him other than Don't Like, Love Sosa and Hate Being Sober.
lol no one knows anything by him other than Don't Like, Love Sosa and Hate Being Sober.
not gonna sit here and act like keef is super popular or anything (unfortunately) but faneto and earned it and arguably everyday
Hypnotize hook is so f***ing trash and the beat suffers from it being overplayed, great rapping but would never put it on outside the album in a million years. All Eyez On Me has a bunch of tracks that would beat it and most of Neptune’s catalogue would beat it too, along with everything posted itt besides The Pack one lol
You can’t tell me y’all actually drop hypnotize at parties in 2020 and it goes crazy (I know there’s no parties but still). S*** is dated
What? That song still does well at parties.
Literally not 1 person, no matter the age, will complain when the beat to hypnotize comes on at a party.
What? That song still does well at parties.
Thats crazy to me, never witnessed anyone play it, the hook is laughably bad
Literally not 1 person, no matter the age, will complain when the beat to hypnotize comes on at a party.
Maybe not complain but I can’t see one person going crazy for it either unless they were a stan in 97 or something. It’s barely above Jay’s Sunshine to me. Juicy gets more play/aged better and so does California Love
hypnotize beat forever cheesy as hell idc
and the hook lmfaaaaoooooo
That’s what I’m saying lmao
this not happening with hypnotize for a reason
bruh if u play faneto and your buildig collapse u know your party was lit