  • Apr 30, 2022

    Y’all need therapy

  • Apr 30, 2022

    At best, she will 'slip' and do s*** she shouldn't be doing with them. All of her 'male friends' trying to hit and she knows it.

    At worst, she straight getting her walls violated while you at home texting her.

    No such thing as friends of an opposite sex. Someone there tryna f***.

    absolutely psychotic but hey, no avi

  • Apr 30, 2022

    who said date, guys and girls can chill together as well lol

    That’s a date

  • Apr 30, 2022

    depends on how long she’s known him, if they been friends for years yeah why not? but if they just met and he’s tryna take her out to eat or something then hell nah

  • Apr 30, 2022

    So it doesn’t matter how long she knew him?

    Even if he wants it and tries everything in his power to get your girl, if your girl deserves your trust then there’s nothing to worry about

  • Apr 30, 2022

    Here are my rules for platonic female friendships. They can occur in the following instances
    1) You aren't physically attracted to the other person
    2) They are currently dating one of your guy friends
    3) Your friend already hit and you see her differently now even if you once were attracted (i.e. the "sloppy seconds" dilemna)

  • Yevin

    depends on how long she’s known him, if they been friends for years yeah why not? but if they just met and he’s tryna take her out to eat or something then hell nah

  • Apr 30, 2022
    1 reply

    You sound crazy lol

    Being tolerant to everything doesn’t make you more sane. I think the opposite. Y’all lack boundaries.

  • Apr 30, 2022

    id be jelly, thats just how I would feel and i don't need therapy thanks...!

  • May 1, 2022
    1 reply

    Yea, she can do what she wants. She got friends waiting for me to f*** up so they can try to slide in there. I have friends doing the same. Her homeboys cool, but she f***ing hates my home girls and would probably rather be faithful than see me f*** one of them hoes she hates.

  • May 1, 2022


    Some of my best friends are like my brothers so id know theyd never betray me

    If its a nigga i dont know that well then she can do it as long as i get to hang out with other women

  • May 1, 2022

    Being tolerant to everything doesn’t make you more sane. I think the opposite. Y’all lack boundaries.

    No one’s breaking my boundaries, I just actually trust my girl lmao

  • May 1, 2022

    Gotta be insecure to say no lol

  • May 1, 2022

    cause people still need other friends, i’m a guy with mostly friends that are girls any girl i’m dating is gonna be insecure when i’m out with another girl it’s not gonna work out

  • May 1, 2022

    My take on this has evolved over the years..
    At first I was like hard no, that's disrespectful..then I grew up a little bit as far as realizing your partner is their own autonomous being and you can't really stop them from doing anything they have to just not want to do it.

    Now my take is, there should be trust in the relationship. But depending on your relationship you don't need to do things to constantly test the strength of said trust. Consistently approaching the boundary that was set and not crossing it honestly shows a lack of respect for the boundary in the first place.

    EDIT: People nowadays are afraid to say they don't like something because they fear coming off as having an antiquated POV , but I promise you treating your one on one relationship with a person does not have to be a woke olympics.

  • May 1, 2022
    5 replies

    Nah. If you let your girl have guy friends you may as well let 5 dudes take turns on her while you watch.

    It’s literally the same thing.

  • May 1, 2022

    Nah. If you let your girl have guy friends you may as well let 5 dudes take turns on her while you watch.

    It’s literally the same thing.

  • lovetalkgames

    Nah. If you let your girl have guy friends you may as well let 5 dudes take turns on her while you watch.

    It’s literally the same thing.

  • May 1, 2022

    thts ur p**** bby do what u want

  • May 1, 2022

    Y’all need therapy

  • May 1, 2022

    Do y’all never hang out in group settings where there’s ppl of another gender 😭

    Or like have old old friends or something that if they come to town you’d wanna grab lunch w to catch up with bc u literally haven’t seen them in 5ever

    Feels sort of draconian and drastic

    Like obviously not all people have intentions that are purely platonic and I woudlnt hang out w people who I feel could potentially try to slide

    But sheesh…

  • May 1, 2022

    Nah. If you let your girl have guy friends you may as well let 5 dudes take turns on her while you watch.

    It’s literally the same thing.

  • May 1, 2022

    I would yeah if there's not that trust there's no point in being in a relationship

  • May 1, 2022

    If you leave your girl around me you a dumb mf 😂