You wanna know how got these scars?
I had a girlfriend once, just a euphemism for c***dumpster this one time we went downtown pick up some meth vehicle window exchange type thing but the dealer wanted more he wanted the vehicle or my 'girl' for the weekend naturally i gave him my girl drove off and went, slept exceptionally peacefully more than normal i woke with this slore screaming about i w****d her for my piece of s*** vehicle uh yeah why you repeating a story thats been done over then i smiled then realised my smile stretched through the corners of my mouth and spread out on both sides of my face. interesting i thought. i was bleeding but bloods nothing i saw a blade in her and her face gleamed nothing compared with the actor extraordinaire headshot smile i now had. i didnt face the mirror but it was something i didnt want so i charged at her claimed the blade from her hand and cut 60s peace signs on her face just to show that there were no hard feelings since this was normalized and all. anyway i kicked her out and asked her if she f***ed up the dealer in anyway she said no so i replied you came for him but didnt come to your senses soon enough to realise not to f*** with me. never saw her again. and actually dont remember her name