“I wIsH hE wOuLd HaVe LeT JoE bUdDeN dO tHe iNtErViEw” 🤣 you idiots in here want this closet drake hater to benefit off drake KNOWING AS SOON as he don’t get his b**** ass way he gonna start slandering. We tried to tell you fools
They never learn. They think Joe loves Drake simply because he's obsessed with him.
am i missing something? he just said he will talk about the rap radar interview saturday? and LOL'd someone
Rory, Mal and Parks are making Joe look crazy with how random his takes are.
He 100% has a Pusha interview coming btw
Rory, Mal and Parks are making Joe look crazy with how random his takes are.
He 100% has a Pusha interview coming btw
How is those 3 making Joe look crazy.
Joe is just being Joe. He is just an idiot sometimes. He will focus on negative s*** and run with it.
Mal the only one that was challenging him on his bullshit. Hence Joe going even crazier like he always does when someone disagrees with him. Then Joe mentions later in the pod that Mal is reason why he looks crazy. Nah, fam. You are just crazy all on your own sometimes. Whether it be for reasons we dont know is another thing to discuss.
How is those 3 making Joe look crazy.
Joe is just being Joe. He is just an idiot sometimes. He will focus on negative s*** and run with it.
Mal the only one that was challenging him on his bullshit. Hence Joe going even crazier like he always does when someone disagrees with him. Then Joe mentions later in the pod that Mal is reason why he looks crazy. Nah, fam. You are just crazy all on your own sometimes. Whether it be for reasons we dont know is another thing to discuss.
There are times when he plays devil's advocate for topics when the podcast doesn't have much to talk about, which he has admitted to before in past episodes. Makes a solid point from an opposing side so that they can go back and forth.
In this episode when he goes out of his way to be different the points themselves don't hold any weight. Instead of a discussion breaking down the points, his cohosts are giving 1-2 sentences as to why what Joe said makes no sense and why they agree with Drake.. then Joe pivots to another point that they again dismantle. Had he picked a solid point to argue it would've come off a lot less forced.
Entire thread took an L.
Joe didn't really rant about Drake at all. Just the fact that Drake and OVO produced and edited the interview rather than going TO the interviewers themselves.
Entire thread took an L.
Joe didn't really rant about Drake at all. Just the fact that Drake and OVO produced and edited the interview rather than going TO the interviewers themselves.
Tbh he should of just not spoke about it he really just sounds salty
Entire thread took an L.
Joe didn't really rant about Drake at all. Just the fact that Drake and OVO produced and edited the interview rather than going TO the interviewers themselves.
Then Joe beef should really be with Elliot and Bdot for agreeing with that. Because Drake is moving calculated like the superstar he is.
They did the interview in Drakes home. He was just gonna invite people to his home. Let them show up with cameras. Ask him whatever type of questions. And just let them leave with all the content not knowing how they were gonna edit him? How stupid would you have to be.
Of course Drake would be heavily involved if he is sitting down for 2 hours to discuss everything people wanna hear him speak about. And of course he would do it with two professionals like Elliot and Bdot.
Joe is tryna focus on negative s***. And if he dont like some of the answers then that is his opinion. Tryna act like some sort of therapist is also weirdo behavior. "He is an insecure man". Even if he is, I have never heard someone more sensitive and insecure than Joe Budden. Screaming as soon as someone disagrees with him.
It’s crazy none of drizzy’s “diehards” have even bothered to figure out and unpack the boy’s longggg relationship with joe. The laziest bum could connect a couple dots underneath their nose 🧐
It’s crazy none of drizzy’s “diehards” have even bothered to figure out and unpack the boy’s longggg relationship with joe. The laziest bum could connect a couple dots underneath their nose 🧐
f*** joe lol! dude's a hater
Joe says some s***
Mal responds
Joe says " You're right" then says some more s***.
cycle repeats
I don’t necessarily hate Joes take but sometimes I feel like Joe doesn’t separate rapper drake from superstar drake.
Of course drakes going somewhere where he has control, that whole Shop airing was a mess no way he was going to let that happen twice.
Would love to see drake on the pod at some point but he and joe need to hash out whatever personal differences they have
I don’t necessarily hate Joes take but sometimes I feel like Joe doesn’t separate rapper drake from superstar drake.
Of course drakes going somewhere where he has control, that whole Shop airing was a mess no way he was going to let that happen twice.
Would love to see drake on the pod at some point but he and joe need to hash out whatever personal differences they have
Viewing the podcast from that angle makes me overly conscious of how formulaic each podcast episode. The white guy never moves, joe is always wilding, and mal just looks like he's daydreaming every time
Goat avy
You got something constructive to say? It’s clear these two have a personal issue and it seems Drake had or has an issue with Rory too
Drake chose the safe route, I’m not mad at that. Love bdot and Elliot’s work but everyone knew it was going to a bit of a safer convo but again I understand why drake did it especially because he may have issues with those guys.
Imagine thinking dumbass Joe and his wack pod (Mal is dope) will ever get drake as a guest 😂😂
Joe got more popular after slandering drake, and his constant sly comments and subs at drake will for sure deter him from ever being on that pod!
At this point Cthe god got a better chance getting a interview than hoe budden