
    mans caught the rudest deafazz from the OVO mandem, mans dipped from the dot to lay low in Somalia lol

    mans gotta know the pollies in the city. drake has bare scarborough mans on call. mo-g lucky he didn't catcha leggaz... or worse ahlie?

  • Jun 2, 2021

    The imposter does the duck face too?!

    He thought he signed up to be a different drake

  • F*** these niggas

  • So f***ing cringeworthy

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Dude’s goated tbh

  • Jun 2, 2021

    Whos weirder fousey or the guy cosplaying

  • Jun 2, 2021

    looks like nav cosplaying as drake

  • thegreatdivine

    Isn't this guy mentally ill?

  • Jun 2, 2021

    that whole saga of his 'concert' that he swore drake was gonna come to

    that included stalking drake, an eventual bomb threat, a riot

    and somehow ended with him standing on a car, screaming at a huge crowd around him like the end of joker

    dude obviously wasn't well and it seems he's a little better though

  • HFM

    Lookalikes in general are weird
    I remember someone brought an Ed Sheeran lookalike to the Logan Paul fight or whatever it was and was fully walking around signing autographs, taking selfies etc.
    Celebrity or not, must feel weird knowing someone is pretending to be you and could say/do anything, or use your name for stuff

    Bro he mustve got hella girls doing that he looks so spot on like Ed

  • Jun 3, 2021
    1 reply

  • Mando

    I'm not trying to sound harsh but they honestly need to give him stronger medication because he's taking 3 steps back with stunts like this.

  • Jun 3, 2021

    That’s the real drake

  • Jun 3, 2021

    Bad vibes in this video

  • Jun 3, 2021

    Drake needs to send a cease and desist

  • Jun 3, 2021
    1 reply

    yall overreacting

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jun 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    yall overreacting

    For real lmao
    Nobody itt would react like that if fousey got a kanye lookalike instead

  • Jun 3, 2021
    3 replies

    For real lmao
    Nobody itt would react like that if fousey got a kanye lookalike instead

    If Fouseytube followed him around in real life for weeks waiting outside places he's at and started a viral media campaign targeting him I'd definitely say it's strange when he hires a professional Kanye impersonator to be with him and film videos.

    This one incident is just another in a series of multiple so that's why it's concerning. You need to take into account his mental health issues and realize this is more than just one video or a joke for him, we need to take this seriously before it escalates further because Fousey obviously won't stop himself.

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Jun 3, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    If Fouseytube followed him around in real life for weeks waiting outside places he's at and started a viral media campaign targeting him I'd definitely say it's strange when he hires a professional Kanye impersonator to be with him and film videos.

    This one incident is just another in a series of multiple so that's why it's concerning. You need to take into account his mental health issues and realize this is more than just one video or a joke for him, we need to take this seriously before it escalates further because Fousey obviously won't stop himself.

    oh yeah i forgot about him following drake around when he had a manic episode. i think this is just for a video though since he caught wind of the xavier drake clone, he seems to be doing better lately from what Ive seen

  • Jun 3, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    If Fouseytube followed him around in real life for weeks waiting outside places he's at and started a viral media campaign targeting him I'd definitely say it's strange when he hires a professional Kanye impersonator to be with him and film videos.

    This one incident is just another in a series of multiple so that's why it's concerning. You need to take into account his mental health issues and realize this is more than just one video or a joke for him, we need to take this seriously before it escalates further because Fousey obviously won't stop himself.

    Surprised he hasn’t done that yet. Seems he’s teetering on the edge (of doing that).

  • Jun 3, 2021

    this dude's legacy is lying to people by faking pranks and having a bipolar disorder.

    Dude fell off.

    I remember when he started he was super wholesome and his content was good. Dude was genuine too but I guess ppl change but s*** got to fousey i guess.

  • hE's jUsT dOiNg wHaT U gUyS dO oN HeRE bUt gETtInG pAiD fOR iT wHaTS tHE pRoBLeM?

  • Jun 3, 2021

    Was just about to ask this.

    Haven't heard much of him since that huge incident with that fake festival stuff.

    He needs some help still.

    I feel like it’s not talked about enough that he only did that s*** after Kanye was publicly having a bipolar episode. A guy like this sees that and uses it as promo

  • Jun 3, 2021
    1 reply
    The Darkest Angel

    If Fouseytube followed him around in real life for weeks waiting outside places he's at and started a viral media campaign targeting him I'd definitely say it's strange when he hires a professional Kanye impersonator to be with him and film videos.

    This one incident is just another in a series of multiple so that's why it's concerning. You need to take into account his mental health issues and realize this is more than just one video or a joke for him, we need to take this seriously before it escalates further because Fousey obviously won't stop himself.

    what else has he done regarding drake other than lying about that event 3 years ago