  • Dec 27, 2020
    4 replies

    How u guys completely fine with cudi and Kanye on the album but anything else is crossing the line?
    Carti one of those artist to bring the best out of someone else and not just do a basic collab

  • Dec 27, 2020

    How u guys completely fine with cudi and Kanye on the album but anything else is crossing the line?
    Carti one of those artist to bring the best out of someone else and not just do a basic collab

    what da hell r u talkin bout

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    All the features (Post Malone, drake, Travisc, etc) and snippets (kid cudi, black gun, tryna get down, money and d****) which were teased got apparently scrapped the day before release and replaced by new songs he just recorded in the last days/weeks. Basically most of the stuff from f1lthy and the other producers is new. Von says Carti didn't like the features,etc. and his camp (all yes men) said his new songs are better

    Album was mostly Richie (8 tracks but now 2), Pi'erre, the artdealer stuff and some others.

    Richie, Uzi, Pi'erre were all promoting the album until the day before release on Twitter. Pure silence after the album dropped. Pi'erre posted a sad gif on Twitter but then deleted it.

    Carti's hairdresser attacking Uzi on Twitter:

    Other info:

    Pause on Place has been there for 2 years but Fritz (mixing engineer) didn't bother to fix it

    WLR v1 was planned for December 2018 but scrapped, would have never gotten most of the songs without the leaks in 2019

    likely no deluxe

    very possible burned bridges with Pi'erre and Richie. Richie turned down the opportunity to produce for Planet Pluto but he focused on WLR

    Source: Von, Richie discord and twitter





  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    All the features (Post Malone, drake, Travisc, etc) and snippets (kid cudi, black gun, tryna get down, money and d****) which were teased got apparently scrapped the day before release and replaced by new songs he just recorded in the last days/weeks. Basically most of the stuff from f1lthy and the other producers is new. Von says Carti didn't like the features,etc. and his camp (all yes men) said his new songs are better

    Album was mostly Richie (8 tracks but now 2), Pi'erre, the artdealer stuff and some others.

    Richie, Uzi, Pi'erre were all promoting the album until the day before release on Twitter. Pure silence after the album dropped. Pi'erre posted a sad gif on Twitter but then deleted it.

    Carti's hairdresser attacking Uzi on Twitter:

    Other info:

    Pause on Place has been there for 2 years but Fritz (mixing engineer) didn't bother to fix it

    WLR v1 was planned for December 2018 but scrapped, would have never gotten most of the songs without the leaks in 2019

    likely no deluxe

    very possible burned bridges with Pi'erre and Richie. Richie turned down the opportunity to produce for Planet Pluto but he focused on WLR

    Source: Von, Richie discord and twitter


  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    How u guys completely fine with cudi and Kanye on the album but anything else is crossing the line?
    Carti one of those artist to bring the best out of someone else and not just do a basic collab

    Even if Kanye and Cudi weren't on the album it would've been great. I don't like an album saturated with features so it's great he went in this direction imo

  • Dec 27, 2020
    2 replies

    I wanna know what kind of pep talk kanye gave him

  • Nessy 🦎
    Dec 27, 2020
    3 replies
    rhyming rhino

    I wanna know what kind of pep talk kanye gave him

    You don't wanna motherfuckin'... You don't wanna embrace your destiny, you wanna get by
    You don't wanna go into the motherfuckin' dark where it's lonely. You can't handle the motherfuckin', the pain of the motherfuckin' not knowin' when the s*** is gonna stop

  • Dec 27, 2020
    rhyming rhino

    I wanna know what kind of pep talk kanye gave him

    "Look at me, look at me Carti! Remember what Chance said! You met Kanye West YOU ARE NOT going to fail!"

  • Dec 27, 2020

    You don't wanna motherfuckin'... You don't wanna embrace your destiny, you wanna get by
    You don't wanna go into the motherfuckin' dark where it's lonely. You can't handle the motherfuckin', the pain of the motherfuckin' not knowin' when the s*** is gonna stop

    You're Nobody til somebody kills you

  • Dec 27, 2020

    Link to richies discord?

  • Dec 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Even if Kanye and Cudi weren't on the album it would've been great. I don't like an album saturated with features so it's great he went in this direction imo

    the album is trash to everybody but the most loyal stans who are just dedicated to praising carti

    die lit was good and the features were fire. Carti has shown he can be part of great collabs (see solange album etc).

    This album just musically ain't it.

  • Dec 27, 2020

    the album is trash to everybody but the most loyal stans who are just dedicated to praising carti

    die lit was good and the features were fire. Carti has shown he can be part of great collabs (see solange album etc).

    This album just musically ain't it.

    This actually my first time listening to a full Carti album. I honestly can't even name a song off of Die Lit. I thought Whole Lotta Red was pretty mid, but after a couple of days it clicked with me. I don't even know why cause I don't usually listen to this kind of music.

    That said, you're more familiar with Carti than I am, so I trust your take that he does features great. It's just usually I prefer less features on albums.

  • sense 🍀
    Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    the album is trash to everybody but the most loyal stans who are just dedicated to praising carti

    die lit was good and the features were fire. Carti has shown he can be part of great collabs (see solange album etc).

    This album just musically ain't it.


  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply


    harsh reality

  • Dec 27, 2020

    How u guys completely fine with cudi and Kanye on the album but anything else is crossing the line?
    Carti one of those artist to bring the best out of someone else and not just do a basic collab

    crine fr

  • Dec 27, 2020
    2 replies

    Thank you, I would appreciate that

  • Dec 27, 2020
    Bad Finger Boogie

    Real af thanks brother

  • Dec 27, 2020

    He traded commercial viability for something true to himself . He is an artist like jean Michel or Kurt cobain . He’s in it for a LEGACY

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    the dude talking in OP is a clown, mad his beats didnt make it on. anyone pushing for the release of another album is a clown also.

  • Dec 28, 2020
    1 reply

    the dude talking in OP is a clown, mad his beats didnt make it on. anyone pushing for the release of another album is a clown also.

    he worked for two years and built an extremely tight and trusted relationship with carti only for his s*** to be thrown away last minute without any notification, he’s totally right to complain the way he is

    also what’s wrong with more content especially considering he already satisfied his artistic sensibilities

  • Dec 28, 2020

    He traded commercial viability for something true to himself . He is an artist like jean Michel or Kurt cobain . He’s in it for a LEGACY

  • Dec 28, 2020
    Bad Finger Boogie

    Can you do mine as well?

  • Dec 28, 2020

    idc what carti did or didnt do wlr is a classic
