But Von says no deluxe?
Well they’re gonna call it Vol 2 or whatever I guess but same thing. If there’s actually not a follow up release then maybe I’d reconsider some of what I said but I believe there definitely will be
kanye envy ass did it again
Yea it wouldn't be out of character for Kanye to involve himself where he shouldn't
carti is a genius I don’t give a damn if he changed the album an hour before it dropped
@ferraritears twin how u feel about the album
I don’t believe that the pause in Places is unintentional / a mixing error
Wouldn’t take a mix engineer to fix something as simple as that if they wanted to
would literally take 1 minute
possible scrapped songs
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hON1mWC_D4!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTKwgBPIMIw!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUnPUZ_UC9A!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOZNPHPfFpc!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFSUr6aRTow&feature=emb_title!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-n6u9uCaTA!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqUfQiimQr8!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK2mdF5177Ylast one was 100% on the album, snippet is from a stalker who hid in the bushes in front of their house last week and recorded it
The Richie beats sounded heavenly
The last bit of info is innacurate tho. Ecstacy was not the track heard outside of a Kanye building last week. The snippet was played in an Instagram live by a Carti affiliate months ago.
Place had the beat pause FOR TWO YEARS, his engineer didn’t give a s***, this album was rushed and its saddd
it’s already confirmed that Carti changed the whole album, obviously not a day later but he did in fact change most of this s*** when he turned it in
hence why is took long for it to drop, him and his team made the changes
Nope lol that’s the narrative
It didn’t take long because him and his team were sitting around making changes, any changes they made were because the label requested they be made. It’s interscope, the main reason any major label release takes long has nothing to do with the actual creative process it’s about getting the label’s approval
That Place pause is unacceptable
Still gets me lmao
Thinking the albums skipping or something
man a lot of the ‘rejected’ beats posted in here dont sound that special
people would hype up any beat if it was 15 seconds long and sounds like it was recorded in the bathroom of a nightclub
Nope lol that’s the narrative
It didn’t take long because him and his team were sitting around making changes, any changes they made were because the label requested they be made. It’s interscope, the main reason any major label release takes long has nothing to do with the actual creative process it’s about getting the label’s approval
how u gone say its the narrative when richie, pierre and von are saying they made changes last minute
I don’t believe that the pause in Places is unintentional / a mixing error
Wouldn’t take a mix engineer to fix something as simple as that if they wanted to
I feel like a lot of the people working on finalizing these big budget projects don’t really give that much of a s*** about how it comes out
I don’t believe that the pause in Places is unintentional / a mixing error
Wouldn’t take a mix engineer to fix something as simple as that if they wanted to
I'm really shocked people can listen to that first five song run and think this album is bad lmao..
kanye invented