  • Apr 6, 2020

    I was never in this thread

    B**** yes u were

  • Apr 6, 2020

    I’m a 21 year old woman

  • Apr 6, 2020

    @yeSAC @Fronk please delete this thread

  • Apr 6, 2020

  • Mmm Hmm 😆
    Apr 6, 2020

    Some1 delete this fukin thread

  • I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 if you will, and this morning we are going to begin a series of messages from one of the greatest chapters in all of the Bible. Hebrews 11 has been described by many Bible preachers and Bible scholars as ''God's Hall of Faith.'' And the reason why this is the famous, and foundational chapter on faith in the Bible is because here in these verses we are given both the definition of faith - Verse 1 says, ''. . . faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. . .'' as well as the demonstrations of faith. In other words, the writer of Hebrews defines what real faith is and then he begins to go back to the very beginning of time to give us example after example of mighty men and women of faith. That's why we're going to entitle this series of messages ''Walking with the Giants'' because over the next ten weeks we're going to walk and work our way down through this great chapter on faith and see just what kind of faith Abel had. What kind of faith Enoch had. What kind of faith Noah and Abraham and Sarah and Rahab and all of these other folks had that was so great that the Holy Spirit picked them out and pointed to them as examples of faith. These are God's giants of faith.

    I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11. We are in a series of studies from God's Great Hall of Great Faith that we have entitled "Walking With The Giants." Hebrews 11 gives to us the definition and the description and the demonstrations of what real faith is. And if you'll remember, I shared with you last week a simple working definition of what Biblical faith is. Faith is hearing, believing and acting on the Word of God. It's trusting God in spite of your situation or your circumstances. The Bible says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." The Bible also says that we are to walk by faith and not by sight.

    The world says, "Seeing is believing, but the Word says, "No, believing is seeing."

    That's why Hebrews chapter 11 begins by stating, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

    Now, what we're doing in this series of sermons is simply walking and working our way down through these mighty and men and wonderful women of faith. And the reason why we're doing this is because as Dr. Warren Wiersbe says, "If you want to grow in your faith, walk with the faithful." And that's what we're going to do in this series of messages from Hebrews 11. We're going to walk with the giants of the faith. We're going to worship with Abel and walk with Enoch and work with Noah and witness in all of these other folks just what kind of faith it takes to get from earth to heaven, or maybe just as importantly as that, what kind of faith it takes to experience a little bit of heaven here on earth.

  • I want you to take God's precious, holy Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11. We are in a series of messages from God's Hall of Faith that we have entitled, ''Walking With The Giants.'' And what we're doing in this series of studies is finding out what just what kind of faith Abel had; what kind of faith Enoch and Noah and Abraham and Sarah and Isaac and Jacob and Moses and Rahab had that caused the Lord to place them into this great listing of the heroes and heroines of the faith. You see, evidently there was something unique and special about their faith that caused them to be selected and pointed to as examples of great faith for us to follow today.

    That's why the bible says in 1st Corinthians 10 that ''all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. . .'' and then it reminds us that ''No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful. . .'' So, when we study the lives of these great men and women of the faith, make sure that you understand two things. One, the times that they lived and walked in weren't all that much different than the times that you and I live and walk in today. (People are still people. They had the same temptations and frustrations that we have today.) And two, the reason for their great faith is that they trusted, ultimately, in the faithfulness of God Himself. That ought to be a great encouragement to you and me today - to know that because God is the same and never changes, because He's the same ''yesterday, today and forever,'' you and I can exhibit and experience great faith, because 'God is faithful.'
    I want you to take your Bibles this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 again if you would. We are continuing this morning in a series of messages that we began four weeks ago on the mighty men and wonderful women that are listed for us in what has been called, ''God's Hall of Faith.''

    Hebrews 11 is the foundational chapter on faith in all of the Bible. And the reason is because in this chapter the Holy Spirit gives to us the definition, description and demonstrations of what real faith is. In verse one we are given the definition of faith. ''Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.'' Then in verses 2-3 we are given the description of faith. ''For by it (What? Faith.) the elders obtained a good testimony. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.'' And then as you continue reading, you find example after example, demonstration after demonstration of faith exercised and exhibited in the lives of people just like you and me.

    You know, a lot of times we read about people like Moses and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and Sara and Rahab, and we get the idea that they were some kind of super saints. We think of them as being so far ahead of us in their walk with the Lord that we could never have the kind of faith or be as faithful as they were.

  • I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 again if you would. We are continuing today in our series of sermons on the heroes, and as we'll discover this morning, the heroines of the faith, as well, that we have entitled, ''Walking With The Giants.''

    Hebrews chapter 11 really is an amazing chapter. I know that I have said that virtually every week, but it's still true. As a matter of fact, it's one of the greatest chapters in the entire Bible. It's right up there with John chapter 3 and Romans chapter 8. I think that the reason that's so is because whereas John chapter 3 tells how we're loved and Romans chapter 8 tells us how we're liberated, Hebrews chapter 11 tells us how to live. And it does it in a way that connects with just about every one of us here this morning. What the writer of Hebrews, who I think was Paul, does is this. He gives us, in this chapter, little snapshots of people who lived for God and loved God just like we want to today.

    Now, you know what a snapshot it. It's a simple picture. It's not meant to detail every single aspect of the person. It's not meant to communicate their whole life story. It simply gives you the essence of the person. But here's the great thing about these pictures, these snapshots - especially for the men and women mentioned in this great chapter - they only show their good side.

    I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 again if you would. Hebrews chapter 11, and this morning we're going to be looking at verse number 20. Listen to what the Bible says.

    Hebrews 11:20, ''By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.''

    In Hebrews chapter 11 we are given the listing of God's great giants of the faith - which is why we've entitled this series of sermons ''Walking With The Giants.'' Over the past 6 Sunday mornings what we've been doing is simply walking and working our way down through the mighty men and wonderful women who are listed for us here in Heaven's Hall of Faith.

    Now, up to this point we've worshipped with Abel and we've walked with Enoch and we've worked with Noah. We've seen Abraham believe the promise of God and we've seen Sarah receive the promise of God. We've watched these great men and women soar in the thrill of victory, but we've also watched them stumble in the agony of defeat. But in all and through all we've seen in their lives the expression and the exhibition of great faith - which is why we're even studying about them to begin with.

    Now, this morning we come to a man by the name of Isaac, and I have to admit, it's been very hard to get excited about the life of Isaac. And the reason for that is because there's very little that's exciting about his life. He was the ordinary son of an extraordinary father and he was the ordinary father of an extraordinary son. There was nothing extraordinary about him really at all.

  • I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 if you would. We are in a series of messages on the heroes and heroines of the faith that are listed for us here in Heaven's Great Hall of Great Faith. We have entitled this series of messages, "Walking With the Giants," and the reason for that is because over the past seven weeks we've simply been walking and working our way down through this tremendous listing of the faithful to see what lessons we can learn and what characteristics we can catch by walking with these mighty men and wonderful women of the faith.

    This morning, as we come to Hebrews chapter 11 and verse number 21, we are introduced once again to a man by the name of Jacob. We were told first about him last week, when we saw where his father Isaac blessed him and his estranged brother, Esau, "concerning things to come." But in between verses 20 and 21 there have been more than 100 years that have passed, and now Jacob is an old man. He's 147 years old, and he's just about to die. And the Bible says, "By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and worshiped, leaning on the top of his staff."

    Now, since this is the week after Thanksgiving, I want to take a little bit of pastoral prerogative. If you'll notice there in your bulletin, I had planned on calling Jacob's faith "a quiet faith" because the Bible says in Genesis 25:27 that he was a "mild man" or a "quiet man." Then, as I began to study Hebrews 11 even more I thought about calling Jacob's faith "a dying faith" because he was definitely about to die. But then I saw that last little phrase, "leaning on his staff" and I remembered why Jacob had that staff – he was a pilgrim. This was his pilgrim's staff.

    I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 once again if you would. We are more than half of the way through in our series of sermons on the heroes and heroines of the faith that are listed for us in what has been called "Heaven's Hall of Fame." What we've been doing over the past 8 weeks is studying the lives and faith of folks like Abel and Enoch and Noah and Abraham and Sarah and Jacob and Isaac. And the reason why we've given so much time to these individuals is because evidently there was something unique, something genuine, something special about their faith that prompted the Holy Spirit to pick them out and point to them as examples for you and me to follow today.

    Now, that's not to say that they were perfect, they weren't. That's not to say that they didn't blow it, they did. That's not to say that they never tripped up, because as you and I have studied them, we've already seen that they had feet of clay just like we do. They were liars and schemers and doubters and deceivers and wonderers and worriers. Sometimes they got ahead of God and sometimes they got away from God, but in the final a***ysis these folks possessed a fantastic faith in the person and purposes of God.

  • I want you to take God's Word now this morning and be finding your place at Hebrews chapter 11 again if you would. We are quickly coming to the conclusion of our series of sermons on the heroes and heroines, the mighty men and the wonderful women, that are listed for us here in what has been called "Heaven's Hall of Faith."

    Now, if you were here last week, I know that you're as happy as I am to have the electricity back on this week. Lights are good, we like lights.

    Of course, Vance Havner used to say, "You know the power has gone out in a church when they start pulling out the candles." (Think about that one for a minute.)

    But anyway, if you weren't here last week, well, let's just say that you most likely missed the only opportunity that you're ever going to have for a short sermon around here. You know, I'd have still been preaching if there wasn't a lot of screaming and crying going on back in the nursery when the lights went out. I'll just say this, I didn't know that grown ladies could scream and cry that loud, but anyway, let me encourage you, if you are interested in getting a copy of last week's completed sermon, we're going to be re-recording it this week, and if you'll just mark down on the card that's provided on your bulletin that you'd like to have a copy, we'll make sure that you receive one free of charge. I know that several of you have mentioned that you'd be interested in that, and we just want you to know how to go about getting a copy of last week's message.

    I want you to take God's Word this morning and be finding your place one last time at Hebrews chapter 11 if you would. This morning we will be concluding our series of messages on the mighty men and wonderful women that are listed for us here in heaven's hall of faith.

    You know, my prayer has been, all throughout this series that you wouldn't just learn about faith, but that you would truly begin to walk by faith as you have watched and learned from people just like you and me. I said it at the beginning of this series, and I'll say it again here at the end. A lot of times we get the impression that the people that we read about in the Bible were some sort of super-spiritual people with super-spiritual powers that enabled them to do things that you and I will never be able to do. But as we've studied them over the past 10 weeks, I hope that you've seen that they were folks who were a lot like you and me. They had their good days and their bad days. They had days when they walked with God as well as days when they ran from God. There were times when they obeyed and times when they disobeyed. There were times when they believed and times when they didn't, but when you boil it all down, when the fat was in the fire, when the rubber had to hit the road, they simply trusted God to do what He said that He would do. And by the way, that's what faith is all about. It's simply trusting God.

  • Apr 6, 2020


  • Apr 6, 2020

    Okay who is @broccolipancake amd why is he telling us about God?

  • Apr 6, 2020

  • Jan 8, 2023
    2 replies
  • Jan 8, 2023

    Evil Roleplaying

  • Lmaaaoo

  • Jan 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Because I'm an attention w**** who needs a proper spanking...

  • Jan 8, 2023

    Because I'm an attention w**** who needs a proper spanking...

    Hey let's talk
