Nigga these s***scenes though
Like this what we about to get every week
too much dip on their chip
Pretty much all my female friends including my girl are on Molly's side when it comes to her & Issa's growing rift. The other guys I talk to that watch the show including myself are all on Issa's side.
Nigga these s***scenes though
Like this what we about to get every week
what s***scenes lol. No nudity in them so they aight.
what s***scenes lol. No nudity in them so they aight.
I had to see Issa press some dudes a******
Pretty much all my female friends including my girl are on Molly's side when it comes to her & Issa's growing rift. The other guys I talk to that watch the show including myself are all on Issa's side.
If there’s anything I’ve learned Issa is always in the wrong
Lawrence getting into his toxic bag
You love to see it
Molly is the one in the wrong, wtf?
Molly is always belittling Issa and things that she does, minimizing them to remind her she's the more successful friend.
Jay worthy music in the new ep
The EPs are sooooo short goddamn
Anyone has any similar shows to recommend?
Boomerang, episodes are on BET’s YouTube channel
Boomerang, episodes are on BET’s YouTube channel
Looks cool
But what's the deal with it basically being a YT series?
Looks cool
But what's the deal with it basically being a YT series?
I have no clue, episodes come on tv first then are uploaded to YouTube I think, I f*** with the show though. Season 2 just finished last week
Why they tryna push Lawrence and issa back together. Smh cause obviously he broke up with Candola.
Would be a plot twist if he got engaged tho
Molly is the one in the wrong, wtf?
Molly is always belittling Issa and things that she does, minimizing them to remind her she's the more successful friend.
molly been trash from the beginning. not saying issa is always in the right, but theres always been something unlikable about molly. shes a perfect example of misery loves company
Molly really trash af. She’s blowing up every little interaction she has with Issa and has the audacity to call her messy. If I ask you for a favor and you say yes then I’d expect you to follow through. I’m sure Issa would just play it cool if it didn’t work. But to say yes and then pull back without saying anything, and knowing you weren’t going to from the start is some grimy s***.
Also just because Issa is more open to sharing her personal life doesn’t make her more of a mess than molly. Just because you’re privately getting dogged by a guy without anyone knowing you’re allowed to call people out? I hope Asian guy is dating someone within Molly’s inner circle. Molly just needs to be publicly embarrassed at this point.